How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Irish Dog

♥ Supplies Used ♥

Kit by TK Designs (HERE)
Bruno by VeryMany (HERE)
Template by Salsa (HERE)
“Candle Mustard” (NAME)
Belinda Script (Quote)

♥ Let's Begin! ♥

Open the template > Image > Canvas Size > 967 > OK and then flood-fill the white background again; save with your new filename.

Delete the large clover layer, drop shadow layers, wordart pixels and the small clovers over the gradient fills.

Open Bruno and resize by 70%; add to the center of the template above all layers. Open element 7 and add to the right side of Bruno.

Using paper 1, replace the left and right round gradient circle layers. Move the paper layer below both gradients and lower the opacity on the gradients to 140.

Using paper 6 and replace gradient rectangle fill. Move paper layer below gradient layer and lower the gradient layer to an opacity of 140.

Open paper 2 and add the Paint.Net glow settings below. Use this paper to replace the green rectangle layer.

Use solid paper 4 to replace the small rectangle layer. Use this same paper to replace the light green circle, right gradient fill and left gradient fill. Lower these gradient fills to 120.

Use solid paper 2 to replace the green circle layer. Add the wordart 3 element over it, center align and drop shadow.

Open element 6, mirror and add to the design. Add element 15 to the mix, slowly turning until it fits into the center of the pin.

Open element 2, resize by 70%, add below Bruno and slightly turn. Open element 11. resize by 60% and add over the horseshoe layer.

Open elements 8 (mirror first) and 10 and resize both by 45%. Add them near Bruno's paw. Duplicate and move one set of layers under his paw. Drop shadow the upper layers and then carefully erase the excess on both, leaving the bottom layers untouched.

Open element 12, resize by 60% and add under the flower 10 layer. Undo the resize (and mirror) on elements 8 and 12 ; add these again above the right gradient circle. Mirror element 12 before positioning.

Open element 20, mirror, resize by 65% and add below the coins. Open element 4, mirror, resize by 65% and add below Bruno (right side).

Add elements 9 and 16 to make a "band" under Bruno's paw; rearrange any elements if need be.

Add your favourite Irish quote or saying and then crop as closely to the design as you can.

Add your chosen name, resize and then add your copyright. Upload to enjoy.


  1. I love this tutorial but there is not list of what kit it is used.

    1. I apologize for that and I have corrected the mistake. Thank you so much for bringing that to my attention.
