How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Ebony and Ivory

Unmasked by Zindy Nielsen (HERE)
"Simply Beautiful" By TK Designs (HERE)
Template by Rosey (HERE)
Geo Mask 1 by Dee (HERE)
“Kembara Cinta” (NAME)
Paint.Net Noise
Penta Dot and Cross
Penta Colour Dot
Penta Jeans

Download the template, delete the layers up until the end of the word art layers, go to the white background, change canvas size to 850 widths (height will follow, flood-fill the background and save under the new filename.

Open the tube and add to each of the frame fill layers.

Invert the white frame layers to black.

Create a canvas 800 x 800 and flood-fill black. Apply the mask and add this below all template layers. Using the nubs pull and push until you get an oval shape, then center align.

I inverted the black oval to white and then added a noise. You must decide what you like to see by adjusting the sliders, but do try to see to it that the glitter is more black and white than colour.

Merge the left and right blue rectangles, add a new layer over this and flood-fill black.

Merge the blue left and right layers, add a new layer, flood-fill white and then use the previous noise settings on this layer as well.

Merge the pink rectangle layers, add a new layer, flood-fill black and remove excess. Add a Penta Color Dot setting, but move the first slider to 140.

Merge the pink circle layers together, add a new layer, flood-fill white and then delete the old layer. Open paper 5, resize to 800 widths (height will follow), add over the now white circle layer and remove excess. On the white circles, outline white by 3 and then use the same noise on this layer.

Merge the two purple layers together and create a white layer, like you did above. Open paper 1, resize to 800 widths (height will follow) and add over the new white squares layer; remove excess. Do the same with this lower white layer as you did above, with the same noise settings.

With the two remaining layers (black squares), you'll need to duplicate and hide the upper layer. Add a new layer over the lower layer and do as you did above, with the same noise settings.

On the upper layer, add a normal setting of Penta Jeans.

Open element 15, resize by 50% and add two above the oval noise layer.

Open element 19, resize by 60% and add above all layers.

Add element 4 above the paper 5 layer.

Open element 3, resize by 60% and add above the paper 5 layer.

Open element 12 and add below the heart layer. Duplicate this for three (3) layers. Keep one in the original position; move two down to below the right frame layer. 

On the middle one, remove the excess so this stays over the tube layer. Drop shadow the lower one, erase the excess tot he left, and then merge these two layers together.

On the far upper layer, drop shadow again but erase the rest to the right of the frame rim carefully, and with a small eraser. You know have a ribbon in and out of the frame opening.

Open element 18 and place to the right of the design, above the black squares with Penta Jeans, one on each side.

Add any new elements that you wish now. I resized element 9 and worked it above the element 15 layer.

Drop shadow all layers now. Crop and/or resize to suit your needs, and before adding your name and copyright. Upload to enjoy.

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