How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Rustic Farmhouse

Thanksgiving 2015 Tube by Keith Garvey (HERE)
Delish by Afternoon Delight (HERE)
Fall Mask 10 by Dee (HERE)
“Lotus” (NAME)
Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Create a canvas 1000 x 1000. We can always crop and resize later.

Open frame 8, rotate and resize by 25%, and then add to the left side of your canvas.

Open the background paper, resize by 15% and add to the frame opening.

Open the tube and use the second layer; resize width to 853 (height will follow) and add this above the frame. Duplicate, move one below the frame layer, and rid yourself of the excess. Drop shadow the top tube before removing excess.

Open the books and cotton element, resize by 11% and add above the tube layer to position. Duplicate, move one below, drop shadow the top layer and remove enough excess to show her hand through.

Open the Bless Our Home element, resize by 20% and add above the frame layer.

Open Cook With Love element, resize by 30% and add above the frame layer. Duplicate, move one above the upper tube layer, drop shadow and then erase the excess to expose her arm.

Open the spool of twine element, resize by 20% and add below the Bless Our Home element layer.

Open the potatoes, resize by 30% and add above the spool layer.

Open the basket, resize by 15% and add between spool and potatoes.

Open the Rooster, resize by 10% and add above all layers, near the jar.

Open grapes 2, mirror, resize by 15% and add below the rooster layer.

Open the cabbage, resize by 15%, and add below the Cook with Love element layer. Duplicate, move one below the tube layer, drop shadow the upper layer, and then remove excess from cabbage (and jar, if needed).

Open the tins, resize by 18% and then add above the tube layer (erase any excess that shows from under the lower element layers).

Open the clock, resize by 10% and add above all layers, near the books.

Open flower 8, resize by 25% and add above the upper cabbage layer. Duplicate, move one below the lower cabbage layer; drop shadow the upper flower 8 layer, and then erase excess (do so on the jar if needed).

Open grapes, resize by 20% and add above the frame layer.

Open bow 4, resize by 40% and add above the grapes layer; manually turn to position.

Duplicate the flower 8 layer and move above the books and cotton layer; position.

Open ribbon 1, do not resize, and add above the frame layer, moving the biggest part to the left; erase excess across the whole design.

Add the ribbon again, this time using the biggest part of the middle, near the books and cotton, then erase the remainder; merge with the first layer.

Add the ribbon one last time, this time using the biggest part of the right side of the ribbon, near potatoes layer. Erase the excess across the rest of the design and merge with the other ribbon layer.

At this time, add any new elements that you choose. I added a mask and leaves 5 layers. Crop and/or resize to suit your needs, before adding your name and copyright. Upload to enjoy.

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