How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

T'was the Night

"'Twas the Night Before Christmas" by Studio 4 (HERE)

Template 17 by Sylly (HERE)

Geo Mask 1 by Dee (HERE)

“Duke Charming” (NAME)

Penta VTR 2012

Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Open the template; resize to 875 widths (height will follow) and then a canvas resize by 1075 widths (height will follow). We can always crop and resize later.

Open "Studio4_Twas The Night Before Christmas Paper-4," resize by 20% and replace the upper pink circle (small).

Open "Studio4_Twas The Night Before Christmas Paper," resize by 25% and replace the white circle.

Open "Studio4_Twas The Night Before Christmas Paper-3," resize by 20% and replace the lower pink circle (large).

Move the grey rectangle to below the white circle layer; use Penta VTR 2012 settings on line distance 4 (leave the rest alone), after adding a new layer and using the colour 5C9368.

Delete all used, and unused, layers now.

Open "Studio4_Twas The Night Before Christmas Sleeping," resize by 30% and add above all layers (upper right side).

Open "Studio4_Twas The Night Before Christmas Letter," resize by 15% and add below the child, at the bottom.

Open "Studio4_Twas The Night Before Christmas Pudding," resize by 15% and add above the letter.

Open "Studio4_Twas The Night Before Christmas Drink," resize by 15% and add above the pudding.

Open "Studio4_Twas The Night Before Christmas Bow," resize by 15% and add above the drink layer.

Open "Studio4_Twas The Night Before Christmas Gingerbread," resize by 25% and add above all the template layers.

Use whatever paper that you like and apply the mask; center align and crop the image.

Open "Studio4_Twas The Night Before Christmas Tree," resize by 25% and add on either side of the design, above the mask layer. I erased the star on the on right one.

Resize, if needed, and add your name; upload to enjoy.

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