How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Spring Revival

Wild Flowers 2 by VeryMany (HERE)

"Bloom Revival" by Manu B (HERE)

Template 49 by Twyzted (HERE)

“Honey Script” (NAME)

Penta Dot and Cross

Xero Porcelain

Eye Candy 4000 Glass

Open the template, do a resize to 980 widths and then a canvas resize to 1880; flood-fill white and save.

Open the tube and take the close up to add to Raster Layers 3 and 5. I added Penta Dot and Cross, as well as Xero Porcelain, to these layers.

Open the standing tube, size by 55% and add above the Raster Layer 3; duplicate, move the one to the top of the template layers and remove the excess on the lower tube.

Open manu-b-bloomrevival-bg2, resize by 25% and replace Raster Layer 2, Raster 9 layers, and Raster 8 layers.

Open manu-b-bloomrevival-bg6, resize by 25% and replace Raster Layer 6 and Raster Layer 4.

Open manu-b-bloomrevival-bg3, resize by 25% and replace the remaining template layers.

Replace all other layers (frames and dots) with a plain white layer, by adding a layer of white over each and removing the excess.

Duplicate all pink layers, outline white (5 strength), and add a noise to each one. Add the same noise to the frames and dots as well.

Open manu-b-bloomrevival-foliage2, resize by 25% and add above all layers; manually turn slightly to cover the bottom of the tube layer and then slowly erase the rest of the tube under the foliage.

Open manu-b-bloomrevival-foliage, mirror, resize by 26% and then add above the foliage 2 layer.

Open manu-b-bloomrevival-rose, resize by 35% and add above the foliage layer.

Open manu-b-bloomrevival-ranunculus, resize by 20% and add under the foliage layer; manually turn slightly to fit. Duplicate, manually turn to position at the bottom.

Open manu-b-bloomrevival-peony2, resize by 10% and add under the rose layer.

Open manu-b-bloomrevival-peony2, mirror, resize by 15% and then add under the left side of the rose layer.

Open manu-b-bloomrevival-beadscatter, do a 90 degree rotate, resize by 35% and add under the lower ranunculus layer. I did this again with a 40% resize and flip.

Open manu-b-bloomrevival-dandelionseeds, resize by 30%, add above the foliage layer, and manually turn to position.

I did a resize of 40% and added this above the circle layers.

Crop as close as you can to the design, resize (if needed), before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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