How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Sweet Summer

Watermelon 2 by VeryMany (HERE)

"Hello Summer" by Gingerbread Ladies (HERE)

Mask 469 by Vix (HERE)

“The Glowing Black Queen” (NAME)

Eye Candy 4000 Glass

Create a canvas 1100 x 1100. We can always crop and resize later.

Open GS_HelloSummer_Aprilisa_Frame, rotate, resize by 55% and add to the canvas; center align.

Open GS_HelloSummer_jss_words, rotate, resize by 30% and add to the left of the frame layer.

Open GS_HelloSummer_SNP_pp8, resize by 25% and add to the frame opening.

Open the tube, gather your layers, resize by 80% and add above the word art layer; duplicate, move below the frame layer and then remove the excess.

Open GS_HelloSummer_BGD_Scatter, rotate, resize by 45% and add above the frame layer; rotate the WHOLE image before drop shadowing the layer and then rotate back.

Open GS_HelloSummer_jss_doilie, resize by 47% and add above the mask layer; align left.

Open GS_HelloSummer_BGD_Watermelon Half, mirror, resize by 20% and add beneath the "S" in summer, near the tube. Duplicate this layer, move below the word art, drop shadow the top layer and then remove the excess (remove excess from tube, if needed).

Open GS_HelloSummer_BGD_Watermelon, resize by 25% and add under the frame layer, near the tube and watermelon half.

Open GS_HelloSummer_jss_flower 4, resize by 40% and add above the doily layer (middle right).

Open GS_HelloSummer_jss_flower 3, resize by 20% and add above the doily layer (upper right).

Open GS_HelloSummer_Aprilisa_Flower3, resize by 20%, and add below the first flower 3 layer.

Open GS_HelloSummer_jss_flower 2, resize by 20% and add above the frame layer; near the last two flower 3 layers.

Open GS_HelloSummer_jss_rose blue, resize by 25% and add above the doily (lower right).

Open GS_HelloSummer_jss_rose green, resize by 20% and add above the frame layer (lower right).

Open GS_HelloSummer_jss_striped ribbon 2, rotate, resize by 15%, and place above the "S" in summer. (Rotate image before drop shadowing)

Open GS_HelloSummer_SNP_charm, resize by 50% and add under the bow layer.

Resize your image (if needed) before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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