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Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Update: Been Gone, Too Long

Hello Fellow Bloggers:

It has been some time since I've created a tutorial and I so apologize for that. It has been a momentous year for me, since the beginning, so much so that I really hadn't realized the year has blown by me. But it has been fun, no matter what.

I've had the pleasure of taking care of my Mother, and her health issues, so much that I'm happy to report she is doing much, much better and is as healthy as she can be at the age of 70! I'm hoping that, under the direct care of family and her doctors, she will live quite a bit longer and be the bane of my existence. LOL I love her so much.

I've also had the pleasure of having my maternal Aunt Iris, and my Uncle Thomas, move from my hometown to my new given town of Buckhannon, West Virginia. Things had been strange and unusual for them back home, and very stressful, so it was best that they move for their health and their mental welfare. Needless to say, my Mother is extremely happy that her sister is now closer to her and that she has other family that she can visit and hang out with with, beside me. LOL And I love having them closer as well, seeing as Iris and Tom are my favourite Aunt and Uncle and I love them very deeply.

I've also had the pleasure of having my youngest son, Alexandor, move into our home again, after trying to make it on his own for about a year. And it's not that he failed, but that times really did get tight during COVID and so, to find his way back to real life, he came home. At first, I must admit, it was hard. Paul and I had already gotten used to having an empty house all to ourselves so we had to make some adjustments to having our son around. We are hoping that Alex stays true to his goal, however, of returning to school after he turns 21 years old, so that we can have the house back to ourselves again, but life will go on if he changes his plans.

I've also had the delightful news of a new grandchild coming into my life! My DIL Tara, and my middle son, Trevor, are expecting their second child in January! This time, I will be having a beautiful granddaughter. I simply cannot wait for her arrival. They are very much into Japanese Anime so I'm going to assume that's where the name Kairi (Ka-ree) Lynn is coming from but I love it. While the timing of her birth is not in the best interest of my son's young family, seeing as they are having housing issues, it is still a beautiful and glorious event that I simply cannot wait for. 

One of my best friends, Bobbi, and her husband, Jed, have purchased their first home and I had been blessed with being asked to help them move and paint their new home, so that really did keep me busy during the month of October. LOL Needless to say, it also helped me out somewhat, seeing as I've been in the process of removing items from own home (downgrading, so to speak) and they needed some items that I was happy to give to them. I wish them nothing but the best in their new home and cannot wait for the many visits Paul and I will have with them in the future.

Outside of these delightful happenings, I have had some melancholy ones. My middle son, Trevor, my DIL Tara, and my grandson, Oliver, were evicted from the apartment complex where we reside. Some of the issues did stem from my troubled child and some of them did not, but it still resulted in the same conclusion. I miss not having them around the corner from me but I do still get to see them as often as I can. They are still not settled yet, and have had several options yanked from their hands, but I am hoping that the new year will bring them good luck and a hopeful future.

As many of my friends may know, I was diagnosed last year as a diabetic and have been in the process of learning how to deal with my newest health issue. Keeping a food diary over the course of the year, so that I can learn how to eat properly, has been a chore in itself but I have now been able to remove those items from my diet that cause me harm and to be able to eyeball what a proper portion looks like without having to use measuring cups and spoons. This year, it was supposed to be heading to the gym but time, and money, is not allowing that just yet. Not that we all didn't try, but we spent more money in not going to the gym instead of actually going to the gym.  Since bills pile up, the gym will have to wait until the new year. LOL

I've also had trouble in my friendships this year. One of my supposed best friends caused more drama and issues than I cared to deal with, but this had been coming to a head for the last six months. Some of the things that she was doing to herself, and to those around her, were too much to bear. Not that I haven't seen my share of drama and issues in my past. Believe me, I'm not a saint by any means necessary, but the things this young lady was doing to herself I would have never done in my past, present or future and they didn't cast a good light on me in society. I had hoped that my influence would help her become a better person but it proved that I was only banging my head against the wall and having others look at me in a way that I didn't like. So, after seven years of friendship, I had to let her go. It has not been an easy decision but one that I am living with and am getting used to as the days go on.

Another of my friends has been slowly killing herself with alcohol and gambling, which is very hard to watch as well. I understand that life gets hard, and pain is an internal issue that each of us have to deal with in our own way, but it doesn't make watching it any easier. I try to be understanding, but it isn't an easy conversation when the other person is not ready to change. Neither one of these friends want to take any of the solutions that you hand them but, instead, created new issues as to why they can't accept the solution that you hand them. And it's not just me. Other friends have tried to help them with the same outcome so we are giving up on helping those who do not want help.

Over the last 11 months, I have been without my beautiful girl, my 2004 Nissan Maxima. LOL I miss my car, my 51st birthday present form my beloved Paul) because it has been in the shop with transmission issues. With the issues in the supply chain, it has been fun trying to get parts to fix my transmission and, even when we finally did get the parts to rebuild it, the transmission still wasn't running correctly. So we had to buy a remanufactured transmission from overseas but, of course, we've had to wait for three months before it would even get here. Not that we didn't try purchasing one from the United States, but we truly couldn't find one at all. It seems that the earlier CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) transmissions are junk, so thank you Nissan, but we are hoping that this newer version will do just fine. I hope to have my beauty back by the end of the month so that I can enjoy her again. She's a beast and I love her. LOL

Since I had one car in the shop, and only had one car, I purchased a used car from a friend and it had major issues with it, some of which they didn't even know it had, since they hadn't even put it on the road when I purchased it. They were on a fixed income and just couldn't afford to fix it so they decided to sell it instead. Wow!, it has nickle and dimed me to death but at least it stayed working so that I could continue to work myself, to make repairs to the car. LOL I'm now left with only three things that need fixed in it but, with the help of my family, we are almost done with the repairs. Alex, my youngest, will become the new owner of this car once I get my Nissan back, which will help reduce my car insurance. And it also helps that I will not have to make any more repairs once Alex is the new owner. I only go so far for my kids and then allow them to make their own way. LOL

And that has been my year since March! I hope that your year has gone much better than mine and that love, peace and blessings have been good for you. Stayed tuned for more tutorials in the future, as I feel my mojo finally coming back.


Pink Tadpole

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