How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Daybreak by the Sea


Ultramarine by VeryMany (HERE)

"Daybreak by the Sea" by Misty Hilltops (HERE)

Template 575 by Millie (HERE)

“Samantha” (NAME)

Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Penta Colour Dot

Open the template, resize to 850 widths and then do a canvas resize to 950 widths. Delete the top two layers, flood-fill the bottom layer with white and save.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_pp_solid5, resize by 23% and replace layer 1.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_pp7, resize by 23%, replace layer 2, and drop shadow to set apart from the background.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_pp12, resize by 23%, rotate, and replace layers 3 and 4. Duplicate, outline white by 3, add a noise, and then drop shadow.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_pp6, resize by 23%, replace layers 5 and 6. Repeat the steps as shown above.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_pp13, resize by 23% and replace layers 7, 8, and 9. Merge the three the original template layers, outline by 4 with white, add a noise and then drop shadow.

Open the tube and resize by 45%; add this above the paper 13 layer, position, remove excess, duplicate, mirror, add Penta colour dot, a glow, and then remove excess.

Undo the last resize. Resize again by 50%, grab the sitting tube and add above all layers; center align, add a glow, drop shadow and save.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_confetti1, resize by 30% and add below the sitting tube layer.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_confetti2, resize by 30% and add below the close up tube layer.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_banner, resize by 30% and add below all circle layers.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_string, resize by 28% and add above the banner layer.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_flotsam, resize by 20% and add below the tube layer.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_shell4, resize by 30% and add above the flotsam layer.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_scatter, resize by 23% and add under the flotsam layer.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_flower2, resize by 20% and add below the shell 4 layer.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_flower3, resize by 15% and add below the flotsam layer.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_lifesaver, resize by 15% and add below the confetti layer.

Open mhtdesigns_daybreakbythesea_flower6, resize by 20% and add above the confetti layer.

Crop as close as you can to the design, resize (if needed) before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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