How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

You are not Broken

 Goth Glam by Barbara Jensen (HERE)

"Be Strong" by JB Studio (HERE)

Geo Mask 7 by Dee (HERE)

“Snoopii Losee” (NAME)

Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Create a canvas 1000 x 1000; we'll resize later.

Open JBS-OceanEscape-frame, resize by 50% and add to the canvas; center align and then rotate by 5.00.

Open JBS-OceanEscape-frame2, add above the first frame layer and rotate by -5.00.

Open JBS-BeStrong-artsypaper2, resize by 25%, position in the second frame and remove excess.

Open JBS-BeStrong-artsypaper12, resize by 25% and apply the mask; duplicate, mirror and flip to position again.

Open JBS-OceanEscape-blocks, resize by 50% and add above all layers.

Open the tube and place under the blocks.

Open JBS-BeStrong-journal, resize by 15% and add above the frame layers.

Open JBS-BeStrong-journal2, resize by 10% and add below the first journal; slightly rotate.

Open JBS-BeStrong-key, rotate, mirror, resize by 20% and add above journal 2, rotate slightly.

Open JBS-BeStrong-foliage, resize by 20%, mirror and then add above the frame layer.

Open JBS-BeStrong-foliage3, resize by 25% and add above the frame layers.

Open JBS-BeStrong-flower1, resize by 25% and add above the foliage 3 layer.

Open JBS-BeStrong-heart, resize by 20% and add above the foliage layer; erase the lower string.

Open JBS-BeStrong-flower8, resize by 25% and add above the heart layer.

Open JBS-BeStrong-flower7, resize by 15% and add above the foliage layer.

Open JBS-BeStrong-flower6, resize by 20% and add above the flower 1 layer.

Open JBS-OceanEscape-doilly, resize by 20% and then add above the flower 1 layer. Duplicate, move one below, drop shadow the one above and remove the part near the stem.

Open JBS-BeStrong-bow2, resize by 25% and add above all layer, near the key.

Crop as close as you can to the design, resize (if needed) before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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