How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Lucky Shamrock

 Sunny by Alehandra Vanhek (HERE)

"Lucky Shamrock" by Wendez Watermark (HERE)

Template 32 by BeckyP (HERE)

“Gonestones” (NAME)

Blinds Mask by Monti (HERE)

Animation Shop 3

Filters Unlimited Paper Textures

Xenofex Constellation

Download and open the template; delete the credits. Do a resize to 800 widths and a canvas resize to 1000 widths and save.

Open PSMar23PP10 Wendez, resize by 25% and  replace the circle layer.

Open PSMar23PP04 Wendez, resize by 25% and replace the rectangle 2 layer.

Use DDD0AB to replace rectangle layer 1 and add a paper texture of fine canvas.

Open PSMar23PP11 Wendez, resize by 25% and replace the frame fill layer.

Open PSMar23PP06 Wendez, resize by 25% and replace the side rectangle and frame layers.

Turn all black layers to white.

Open PSMar23PP12 Wendez and apply your mask; add above the white layer.

Open the tube, resize by 55% and add above all layers.

Open WWStPMar23el37, resize by 75%, and add in several places above the mask layer.

Open WWStPMar23el3, resize by 85% and add below the last layer. Erase the bottom layer, flip and merge.

Open WWStPMar23el2, mirror, resize by 50% and add below the tube layer to position. Duplicate, move one below the frame layer and remove the excess.

Open WWStPMar23el8, resize by 50% and add above (and below) the rainbow layer; remove excess.

Open WWStPMar23el27 and add above the frame paper layer; drop shadow and remove excess.

Open WWStPMar23el30, lighten slightly, and then resize by 60%; add above all layers.

Crop as close as you can to the design, resize (if needed), before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

To Animate:

Open AS3.

Duplicate the scalloped rectangle trim layer. Drop shadow the bottom layer.

On the top layer, add the following Xenofex settings below:

Once you've added the settings, copy merge the image and add to AS3. This is your first frame. Simply do a "Random Seed" (once or twice is up to you) and then do the same thing that you did with the first frame, but add after the first frame.

While in AS3, you can check if you like the way it looks by: right click on image, view animation. If you are pleased with the way it looks, do the next step.

Right click EACH frame, copy and add back to PDN. The first frame will be a new image and frames two and three will be new layers. Save under the same filename, but add "animation" so that you know which is static and which is animated.

Now, add your name and copyright information as new layers OVER the animated frames. 

To add back in to AS3: Edit > Select All > Copy Merged > add back into AS3 > add as a new image in AS3.

Go back to PDN, uncheck the first frame layer and repeat the process above.

Once you have all three frames in AS3, you can check again (to make sure the animation is correct) or simply save your design. 

Upload to a photo sharing site (like IMGUR) to enjoy.

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