How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Spring Melody

"Easter" by Dreamworld Design (HERE)

“Amsterdam” (NAME)

Create a canvas 1000 x 1000. We can always crop and resize later.

Open DWD_Easter_Fr_07, resize by 70% and add to the canvas; center align.

Resize DWD_Easter_Fr_07 by 65% and add below the first frame layer; center align.

Open DWD_Easter_PA_13, resize by 65% and add under all frame layers; center align.

Open DWD_Easter_EL_132, resize by 65% and add above the frame paper.

Open DWD_Easter_EL_02, resize by 70% and add between the two frame layers.

Add DWD_Easter_EL_126 under the grass layer and remove excess.

Open DWD_Easter_EL_54, resize by 70%, lighten by 55%, and add under the element 132 layer.

Open DWD_Easter_EL_63, resize by 25% and add place above the mound layer.

Open DWD_Easter_EL_87, resize by 65% and add above the frame layers; create this look by adding the larger butterflies to the right of the image.

Open DWD_Easter_EL_63 again, resize by 70%, mirror, and add above all frame layers.

Open DWD_Easter_EL_52, resize by 70% and add under the larger bird's feet; erase any excess.

Open DWD_Easter_EL_30, resize by 70% and add below the bird's feet to position.

Open DWD_Easter_EL_34, lighten by 55% and add one below the element 30 layer (to the right). I added another below the bird's feet, removed the excess with an eraser, and then drop shadow.

Duplicate the bottom violet layer; mirror, position, and then remove the excess.

Open DWD_Easter_EL_18, resize by 50% and add above the frame layers.

Add DWD_Easter_EL_42 above all frame layers, and manually rotate to an upright position.

Open DWD_Easter_EL_29, rotate, resize by 70% and add above the frame layers (under all flowers); erase any excess to the right.

Open DWD_Easter_EL_107, resize by 50% and add above all frame layers. Move the baby bird to above the shell and position.

Open DWD_Easter_Fr_10. You'll do this twice: 875 widths for the first one and 850 widths for the second one. Add the 875 widths and center align (drop shadow). Add 850 widths under the 875 widths, mirror, flip, drop shadow, and then merge both layers together. This gives the background wreath more volume.

Crop as close as you can to your design, resize (if needed) before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.