How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Untained Love

 Supplies Used 

"Tainted Cupcake" by Scrapping with Karma (HERE)
“Janda Silly Monkey” (NAME)


New > 600x600. Name and save in PSD form.
Open Glitter2 paper. Effects > Alpha Mask > find Insatiable Dreams Mask 30 > Ok. Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy.
Go to new canvas and Edit > Paste As A New Layer. Flip white background. Highlight mask layer and Object > Object Align > Center both. Save.
Open Girl-N-Bear1 element. Image > Resize > 45% > Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy.
Go back to canvas and Edit > Paste As A New Layer. Center in the middle of your mask. Save.
Open Repaired Heart Pink. Image > Resize > 75% > Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy.
Go back to your canvas and highlight mask layer. Edit > Paste As A New Layer. Center in the middle of your mask. Save.
Open Blue Flower and Image > Resize > 35% > Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy.
Go to your canvas, highlight heart layer, and Edit > Paste As A New Layer. Move to the right hand side of your heart layer. Save.
Open Purple Flower and Image > Resize > 25% > Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy.
Go to your canvas, highlight green flower layer and Edit > Paste As A New Layer. Move to bottom of the blue flower.
Open Purple Balloon and Image > Resize 30% > Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy.
Go back to canvas and highlight heart layer. Edit > Paste As A New Layer. Move into the heart but leave ribbon outside of heart. Save.
Open Pink Balloon and Image > Resize 30% > Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy.
Go back to canvas and highlight purple balloon layer. Edit > Paste As A New Layer. Layer slightly over purple balloon, with bottom of ribbons touching. Save.
Open balloon blue and Image > Resize > 30% > Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy.
Go to your canvas and highlight heart layer. Edit > Paste As A New Layer. Move out to the edge of the mask. Flip white background. Image > Rotate/Zoom > Angle : -6.71 > XPan: 0.016 > YPan: 0.069 > Click Ok.
Drop shadow all balloons and merge together into one layer. Image > Rotate/Zoom > Angle: 10.89 > XPan: 0.081 > YPan: 0.034 > Click ok. Save.
Open Blue Ribbons and erase long bow. Crop and Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy.
Go back to canvas and highlight balloon layer. Edit > Paste As A New Layer and move to cover the middle ribbon (blue balloon). Save.
Open Green Flower and Image > Resize > 30% > Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy.
Go to your canvas and highlight balloon layer in your layers box. Edit > Paste As A New Layer. Move to the right, letting girl's leg over it slightly. Save.
Crop to your liking. Add your name, copyright information, save in PNG and you're done!
(NOTE: Make sure copyright information is CLEAR and viewable, using a legal copyright symbol of ©.)

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