♥ Let's Begin! ♥
Create a new canvas 800x800. Name your design and save in *psd form.
Open Pearl Frame and resize 525x525. Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy and then go to your canvas and Edit > Paste in to New Layer. Center in the middle of your canvas.
Open your sitting tube and Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy and then go to your canvas and Edit > Paste in to New Layer. Center it so that it fits neatly into the left side of your frame.
Duplicate tube and move second tube below the peral frame. Drop shadow top tube by these settings: Effects > Drop Shadow > Offset X: 5 > Offset Y: 4 > Widening Radius: 0 > Blur Radius: 5 > Shadow Opacity: 60 > Click OK.
Use a size 30 eraser to click each of the TWO little pearls that overlap the back leg CAREFULLY. This is so it looks like one leg is behind the frame; the other in front of it.
Open paper 1 and resize 625x625. Add a layer over your paper and flood fill white.
On BOTH layers, one at a time, do: Effects > Alpha Mask > Find your mask > Check "Invert Mask" > Click Ok. Merge down.
Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy and then go to your canvas and Edit > Paste in to New Layer UNDER your pearl frame. Grasp one corner of your mask and stretch to fit under your pearl frame. Erase any extra mask at the bottom of your canvas.
(NOTE: normally I do not use the stretch method but in this case, it didn't dull the mask.)
Open Sun element and resize to 250 width. Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy and then go to your canvas and Edit > Paste in to New Layer ABOVE your pearl frame. Situate it so that it is behind the tube's head.
Open Flower Pot and resize to 175 width. Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy. In your layers box, highlight your sun layer and then go to your canvas and Edit > Paste in to New Layer. Move to bottom right hand side of your frame.
Open leaves, and do the following: Image > Flip Vertical > Image > Resize > By 15% > Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy > Edit > Paste in to New Layer. Move to bottom right hand side over your flower pot, making sure the first knuckle of the leaves is even with the rim.
Image > Flip Horizontal and move back to the rim of the flower pot. Drop shadow and carefully remove any hanging out stem. The stem MUST be even with the inner, darker rim of the pot.
Open string and do the following: Adjustments > Hue/Saturation > Hue: -134 > Saturation: 125> Lightness: 40 > Ok. Adjustments > Soft Saturation > 125 > Ok. Image > Resize > 175 width.
Edit > Select All > Edit > Copy. In your layers box, highlight your flower pot layer and Edit > Paste in to New Layer. Move to bottom of outer rim for adornment.
(NOTE: I cut off the extra curl with my eraser and then drop shadowed. If you do this, make sure you cut straight across the string for an even look.)
Now I simply added a favourite little ditty to one side that shows my love of sunny days. You can use the one included with the mask or create one of your own. I simply pulled a colour from my tube to use as the colour of my font.
Add your name before cropping. Outline name, drop shadow, add your copyright and you're done!
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