♥ Supplies
Used ♥
Eye Candy
4000 Gradient Glow
Eye Candy
Impact Brushed Metal
DSB Flux
Lokas 3D
♥ Let’s begin! ♥
Open Paper-GI_CUTS5thDay and apply your mask. Merge the group; add a layer above this, flood fill white and move below your mask.
Open Window-GI_CUTS5thDay and add to the left hand side of your mask.
Open your tube and re-size if needed. I had to re-size mine by 65% and then add it to the right hand side of my mask.
Open Holly-GI_CU12Days and add between your Tube layer and your frame layer. Move into position then re-size by 35% and free rotate by 10 degrees to the left. Re-position if needed.
Open ChristmasBallwHook-GI_CUTS3rdDay and re-size by 40% and add under your holly layer.
Open Icicles-GI_CUTS5thDay and add under your frame. Erase any that doesn’t fit under the frame. Duplicate your layers until it is as thick as you wish them to be and then merge them together.
Open Snowdrift-CUTS3rdDay and add above your mask layer. Do not re-size, but position it where you’d like it until the frame.
Open Beads-GI_CUTS3rdDay, rotate to standing and add above your frame layer. Free rotate by 5 degrees to the left, duplicate and free rotate this layer by 15 degrees to the right. Position them as you’d like them to look.
Open Moon-GI_CUTS5thDay and re-size by 85%. Add above your mask layer then drop shadow to your liking.
Open Reindeer-GI_CUTS3rdDay, mirror, re-size by 45% and add above your frame layer, near your tube.
Add DSB Flux Bright Noise in 69 mixed to your Christmas bulb.
Now, go back and duplicate your bulb layers. I have three—the original and two others. Layer 1 stayed still; Layer 2 free rotate 15 degrees to the right and fix it up so that it works well when sliding; Layer 3 is free rotated to the left and then fixed as layer 2 was.
Crop, add your name and copyright.
I used brushed metal on my name. Play around with this wonderful plugin to get the effect you desire.
♥ Let’s Animate! ♥
Always highlight the TOP layer before adding to AS3. In this way, your copy merged will include all of your layers.
Open Layer 1, copy merged and then add in AS3.
Hide layer 1 and open layer 2. Add this behind your last frame in AS3.
Open layer 1 and add this behind your last frame in AS3.
Hide layer 1 and open layer 3. Add this behind your last frame in AS3.
Always make sure you add each layer AFTER the other.
Edit > Select all > Animation > Frame properties > 30.
In AS3, click on the first frame of your design and hit shift >z. This will bring up your Optimization wizard. Apply your settings.
Save to Photobucket and enjoy!
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