♥ Supplies Used ♥
Tube from Barbara Jensen, here.
Please do NOT use without a proper license number.
Billy Argel Font, here.
"Merry Little Christmas" by Eyeinspire, here.
Mask 191 by Insatiable Dreams, here
Eye Candy
4000 Gradient Glow
Shop 3
Lokas 3D
♥ Let's Begin! ♥
Open a new canvas 800x800. Open the single frame and rotate to standing. Re-size by 35% and add to your canvas.
Open your sitting tube of choice. Re-size up or down as needed and move to the lower right hand side of the frame, in a seated position to the frame.
Duplicate sitting tube and move one below the frame layer. Use a tight, medium drop shadow to the upper tube and erase her bum outside the frame but only … heaven forbid! … what’s between her thighs (not the outsides of her bum!).
Using the same tube (or a different one, if you wish), up size it until it is big enough to fill most of the frame opening. If it’s too blurry, re-size by 97% to make it slightly smaller each time until it clears.
Open paper 6 and re-size by 15%. Grab your magic wand and click inside of your frame. Selections > Modify by 8 > add your paper > invert > Delete > Select None. Move below your frame.
Highlight the frame paper layer and Selections > Float > Defloat > Invert > Click on close up tube layer > Delete > Select none.
Change opacity to soft light and then add a light drop shadow to the tube.
Open paper 5, re-size by 17% and add below all layers. Move into your desired position.
Open snowflake 2, re-size by 25% and add above mask layer. Move into position and drop shadow.
Open snowflake 1, re-size by 20%, free rotate 20 degrees to the left and add above mask layer. Position this at the bottom of the frame and drop shadow.
Open red flower and re-size by 25%. Move into the middle of the right hand side of the frame and drop shadow.
Duplicate snowflake 2 and re-size by 55% (Rename snowflake 2b). Duplicate snowflake 1 and re-size by 65% (rename snowflake 1b) Move these around until you’ve reached your desired effect in the space between the red flower and the larger snowflakes.
Open the rickrack and re-size by 23%. Add below your red flower and free rotate by 57 degrees to the left and Drop shadow. Duplicate rickrack, mirror, and move into position and free rotate again by 7 degrees to the right. Merge the two layers together.
Open Christmas ornament brown, re-size by 35%, and add above the frame layer. Do NOT drop shadow at this time!
Open Christmas mistletoe and re-size by 35% and add above your ornament. Drop shadow then free rotate 10 degrees to the left. Move upwards so that a small amount of the gold hanger peeks through.
Crop to your liking now, so that your tag is the size you want it.
Before animating the Christmas ornament, duplicate three times. (Drop shadow use is in program, not by Lokas)
1st layer: is straight / Drop shadow: V&H 2; opacity 40; and blur 12.00
2nd layer: free rotate 20 degrees to the left. Move the bulb hangers into position for a smooth transition / Drop shadow: V&H 2; opacity 40; and blur 12.00
3rd layer: 20 degrees to the right. Move the bulb hangers into position for a smooth transition / Drop shadow: V is 2; H is -2; opacity 40; and blur 12.00
Make sure the ornament layers are in this order: 1, 2 and then 3.
Add your name and copyright information.
♥ Let’s Animate! ♥
Hide layers 2 & 3 of the Christmas ornament and copy all layers merged by being at the top of the pile.
Paste as a new animation in Animation Shop 3.
Un-Hide layer 2 and hide layers 1 & 3 of the Christmas ornament and copy all layers merged by being at the top of the pile. Add this after your last frame.
Again, Hide layers 2 & 3 of the Christmas ornament and copy all layers merged by being at the top of the pile. Add this after your last frame.
Un-Hide layer 3 and hide layers 1 & 2 of the Christmas ornament and copy all layers merged by being at the top of the pile. Add this after your last frame.
You should now have all of your layers in AS3 in this order: Layer 1, Layer 2, Layer 1, and Layer 3.
Highlight your first frame and right click on your mouse. Scan down to “Frame Properties” and click. Change this to 30 and click ok.
Again, highlight your first frame and right click. This time, scan down to “View Animation” and click. It will pop up to show you how the animation will work. If the animation is to your liking, just x out of the frame (not the program).
Add your optimization settings, save, upload to Photobucket and enjoy!
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