♥ Supplies Used ♥
Mala Montero tube, here.
Twinkle Star Rob (PTU), here.
Eye Candy
4000 Gradient Glow
DSB Flux Bright Noise
Animation Shop 3
♥ Let's Begin! ♥
Create a new canvas 900x900. We’ll re-size later.
Open the frame and add to your canvas. Re-size by 70%.
Grab your magic wand. While holding SHIFT, click inside of both side of the frame. Open paper 1, re-size by 25% and Selections > Modify > by 4 > add paper > invert > hit delete > select none. Move to under your frame.
Open the string and re-size by 35%. Add wherever you like above the frame and then add a tight, medium drop shadow.
Open your Mala Christmas tube and re-size by 60%.
Again, grab your magic wand and click inside of one side of the frame. Selections > Modify > Expand by 4 > add your tube > invert > hit delete > select none. Add the same tight, medium drop shadow to the tube as you did the string.
Open paper 4 and re-size by 25%. Add your mask and then add to your canvas, below all layers. Position it into the middle if it’s not there already. At this time, you may also add a drop shadow to your frame that you like.
Re-size mask by 95%.
Open holly and re-size by 25%. Add to your canvas, just below your string layer. Free Rotate by 45 to the left and move to under ribbon.
Re-size your holly again by 75% and add a tight, medium drop shadow. Move it into position.
Open the Joy word art and re-size by 35%. Add above the frame paper layer.
Duplicate, hide copy and use your eraser to rid yourself of the letters “o” & “y”. Repeat the process until you have each letter on a separate layer. Move them into a cascading file and merge all the layers together.
Add a tight, medium drop shadow to the word art and re-size again by 85%. Move into position.
Add your name wherever you like it, duplicate it and add your gradient glow and drop shadow to only the bottom layer. Hide outlined layer.
Add a bevel to your duplicated layer and Duplicate the copy layer 2 more times, for a total of three layers.
Open DSB Flux > Bright Noise and add a mix noise to each layer as follows: (layer 1) 35; (layer 2) 45; and (Layer 3) 55.
Crop and re-size if needed.
Add the copyright.
♥ Animation ♥
Again, grab your magic wand and click inside of one side of the frame. Selections > Modify > Expand by 4 > add your tube > invert > hit delete > select none. Add the same tight, medium drop shadow to the tube as you did the string.
Open paper 4 and re-size by 25%. Add your mask and then add to your canvas, below all layers. Position it into the middle if it’s not there already. At this time, you may also add a drop shadow to your frame that you like.
Re-size mask by 95%.
Open holly and re-size by 25%. Add to your canvas, just below your string layer. Free Rotate by 45 to the left and move to under ribbon.
Re-size your holly again by 75% and add a tight, medium drop shadow. Move it into position.
Open the Joy word art and re-size by 35%. Add above the frame paper layer.
Duplicate, hide copy and use your eraser to rid yourself of the letters “o” & “y”. Repeat the process until you have each letter on a separate layer. Move them into a cascading file and merge all the layers together.
Add a tight, medium drop shadow to the word art and re-size again by 85%. Move into position.
Add your name wherever you like it, duplicate it and add your gradient glow and drop shadow to only the bottom layer. Hide outlined layer.
Add a bevel to your duplicated layer and Duplicate the copy layer 2 more times, for a total of three layers.
Open DSB Flux > Bright Noise and add a mix noise to each layer as follows: (layer 1) 35; (layer 2) 45; and (Layer 3) 55.
Crop and re-size if needed.
Add the copyright.
Open Animation Shop 3.
Making sure your top layer is highlighted, but the uppermost two layers of your animated name of hidden, copy merged all layers.
Right click on your mouse until your prompt shows up and paste as a new animation.
Do the same for the next two name layers, making sure you switch out the glitter layers and pasting after your last frame in animation shop.
Highlight your first frame, select all, and then use your optimization wizard to add your settings.
(NOTE: You will only need to do this once. When the settings are added, it will automatically use the same settings, so long as the box is checked.)
Making sure your top layer is highlighted, but the uppermost two layers of your animated name of hidden, copy merged all layers.
Right click on your mouse until your prompt shows up and paste as a new animation.
Do the same for the next two name layers, making sure you switch out the glitter layers and pasting after your last frame in animation shop.
Highlight your first frame, select all, and then use your optimization wizard to add your settings.
(NOTE: You will only need to do this once. When the settings are added, it will automatically use the same settings, so long as the box is checked.)
Want to know if it is done properly? Right click on
your image and ask to view animation.
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