♥ Supplies Used ♥
"Summer Breeze" by Christine Kotlark (HERE)
Waterbrush by Rob
Leuschke (HERE)
"Yellow Dream" by Rucola Designs (HERE)
♥ Let's Begin! ♥
Open a new canvas of 800x800, Open element 3 (brown frame) and re-size by 23% then add to your canvas.
Open element 1 (door), re-size by 15% and move to the left hand side of the frame. Drop shadow.
Open paper 5 and re-size by 15%. Grab your magic wand and click inside the frame. Selections > Modify by 25 > Insert paper > Invert > delete > Select none. Move to below your frame.
Open paper 8 and re-size by 18%. Apply your mask, duplicate, merge layers and then add as a new layer below your frame paper layer.
Open your tube, re-size if needed (I up-sized it by 125%) mirror, and move into position above the frame layer. Move it below the frame layer. Erase the entire bottom of the tube that shows from beneath the frame.
Duplicate tube and move above the frame. Drop shadow this layer and then earse any tube that needs erasing.
Open element 5 (newspaper), re-size by 25%, add below your stamp layer, free rotate by 15 degrees to the left and drop shadow.
Open element 14 (yellow flower), re-size by 15%, add above your newspaper layer, free rotate by 24 degrees to the left and drop shadow. Erase entire stem that shows through the bottom of the stamp layer.
Open element 11 (clock), re-size by 18%, add below your yellow flower layer, free rotate by 9 degrees to the left and drop shadow. (I used PSP drop shadow here.)
Open element 4 (yellow stem flower), re-size by 20%, and add above your clock layer. Move into position, erase the branch on the right hand side and duplicate. Add a Gaussian blur to the bottom layer by 20%. Do not drop shadow. Merge the layers.
Open element 19 (Butterfly), re-size by 15%, add above your yellow stem flower layer and drop shadow. Move to the bottom left hand side.
Crop to your desire size, add your name, copyright and save.
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