♥ Supplies Used ♥
Dominic Marco, here
"Falls Beauty" by CakiePotPie Designs, here
Set 001 by CakiePotPie Designs, here
“Mask 148” by Designs by Vaybs, here
Eye Candy
4000 Gradient Glow
Lokas 3D
♥ Let's Begin! ♥
Delete the copyright.
For each of the layers, use the following papers:
Small circle layers = paper 11 - re-size by 25%
Large circle layers = paper 8 - re-size by 25%
Large Rectangle = paper 6 - re-size by 45%
Thin Rectangles = paper 3 - re-size by 25%
Add a tight, medium drop shadow to all of the dot layers.
** NOTE: I moved my two thin strips near each other and merged them. I also did the same with the two dot layers for those thin strips. **
Add your tube below your strips and remove the entire bottom of the tube. Duplicate, move above the strip layer, drop shadow and then use your eraser to remove the entire tube that hangs over the strip.
Above paper 6 layer, add the fencing, re-size by 35%, flip, add a tight, medium drop shadow and then flip back into place. Highlight paper layer and Selections > Float > Defloat > invert > highlight fence layer > hit delete.
Open element grass and re-size by 35%. I used my deform tool to make one side wider than the other and also made the element thinner.
I flipped my element, used a drop shadow and flipped it back into place. Highlight paper layer and Selections > Float > Defloat > invert > highlight grass layer > hit delete.
Open ribbon cluster and re-size by 17%. Add this below tube1 layer and drop shadow. You will find that it’s still too long. I used my eraser on size 25 to slowly and carefully erase a small section off of each side.
Open your flower bunch and crop out the bow. Re-size by 9% and add above the grass layer. Add a drop shadow and move into position.
Open paper and re-size by 25%. Apply your mask at this point and then add to the TOP of your design. Add a tight drop shadow and then move below all layer.
Move this layer above your white background, move up to the right hand top corner, duplicate it, flip, mirror and then fix it in the lower left hand corner. Merge these layers.
Re-size, if needed, and then add your copyright.
Delete the copyright layer.
Follow the same procedures, with the same papers, for each of the layers that are listed in the avatar.
Thin strips = paper 3
Huge blue circles = paper 8
Open paper 11 and re-size by 25% Highlight the small dots layer and Selections > Float > Defloat > Add your paper > Invert > Hit delete > Select None. Add a wide, light drop shadow to set them off.
I added my tube to my template then added a nice wide, light drop shadow sets her off real nice.
Add a tight, medium drop shadow to the dots layer.
Add your license number and initial then save as a PNG.
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