Arthur Crowe tube, here
"It’s Christmas" by Designs by Samantha, here
“Mask 6” by delicious Scraps,
Eye Candy
4000 Gradient Glow
Lokas 3D
♥ Let's Begin! ♥
Create a new canvas 800x800. Open the frame, rotate it to standing, and re-size by 25% then add to your canvas.
Open paper 14 and re-size by 15%. Grab your magic wand and click inside frame > selections > modify by 15 > add paper > invert > hit delete > select none. Move paper under the frame.
Open paper 8 and re-size by 21%. Apply your mask and add below your frame paper.
Open your tube and re-size up by 125%. Add above the frame layer, re-size by 80%. Center it in the middle of the frame. Duplicate, move one below the frame and drop shadow the top layer. Use your eraser to remove the right and bottom half of the tube.
Open the tree and re-size by 15%. Add this above tube1 layer, mirror and drop shadow. Position the tree on the right side of your frame.
Open the stocking, re-size by 10% and add above the tree layer. Move into your desired position, place it below your tree, duplicate and move this layer to the top. Add a tight drop shadow to this layer.
Open your choice of present, re-size by 12% and add near your tree.
Open your choice of lights, re-size by 18% and rotate to a vertical position. Apply above your tree layer. Add a wide, light drop shadow and move into position.
Open the candy cane, re-size by 15%, and add above your lights layer. Add a wide, light drop shadow and move into position. Do the same with the candy mint, but add below your candy cane layer.
Open leaves 2, free rotate by 45 degrees to the right, re-size by 35% and add it above your frame layer. Add a wide, light drop shadow.
Re-size, if needed, and then add name and your copyright.
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