How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Be Aware, Wear Red

Did you know that Pregnancy, childbirth and hormones play a role in stroke risk for women? Or that each year, about 55,000 more women than men experience a stroke, and non-Hispanic black women are most at risk? Learn what the risks are, how to lower those risks, and how to look for the signs of stroke in you and those you love. Read HERE to find out how!

Supplies Used

“Pouty Toon” by Keith Garvey, here
Please do not use without a valid license.
“UpDock” by Rob, here
“Love in Paris” by Stef’s Scrapkits, here.
“Mask 84” by Wee Scots Lass,  here.
Animation by Missy,  here.
Animation Shop 3
Eye Candy 4000 Gradient Glow
Lokas 3D Shadow

Let's Make the Dress form!

Open element 55 and erase the black dress form. Use your move tool to center it in the canvas. Open element 51 and re-size by 37%. Add this above the dress form.

Duplicate the dress form and do the following: highlight the form layer and Selections > Float > defloat > Invert > click on dress > hit delete > Select none.

Duplicate the duplicate and mirror one to drop shadow then mirror back. Drop shadow the second one normally and then erase the extra drop form the first duplicate. Merge these layers together.

Erase the dress at the top, near the arm pit, on the left hand side. On the same side, erase the extra dress form at the hip. Merge all layers together and hide at the bottom of your program for later.

Let's Begin!

Open paper 7 and apply your mask. Merge the mask together and add a layer above the mask. Flood fill white and move to the bottom.

Open element 4 (frame), re-size by 80% and add above your mask layer.

Open paper 5 and re-size by 80%. Grab your magic wand and click inside your frame. Selections > Modify > by 15 > Add paper > invert > delete > Select none. Send to bottom.

Open your chosen tube and add to the left hand side of the canvas, above the frame layer. Re-size by 125% and then down by 90%.

Open element 37, re-size by 70% and add to your canvas.

Open your dress form. Re-size by 125% and then down by 90%. Add above your frame layer and position to your liking.

Open element 37, mirror and re-size by 70%. Add above your dress form.

Open element 10 and add above your mask layer.  Drop shadow, duplicate, mirror and flip. Merge the two layers together and re-size by 90%.

Open element 34, re-size by 40% and add above your hearts layer.

Open element 32, re-size by 55% and add above your white flower layer.

Open element 19, re-size by 35% and add above your dress form.

Word art!

Using your ellipse tool, and your foreground colour on black, create a circle to encompass the design.

Grab your text tool and, using the Berlin Sans FB font, type in the following words “wear red for woman's heart health awareness”. I applied mine twice and used spaces in between to make it even.

Hide your ellipse vector layer and then convert your text to raster. Move this below the dress form layer. I re-size mine by 97% but your re-size is up to you.

Outline and drop shadow.

Now duplicate your mask layer, re-size by 125% and then down by 89%.

Crop and re-size if needed.

Lets’ prepare the animation!

Open your animation and click on the first frame.  Edit >Select All. > Scan down to the 4th frame > Animation > Replace Colour.

Use the box below as a guide to help you change out the colour pink in your animation.

First, click inside the upper box and choose the pink from the animation. Second, click inside the bottom box and choose the first colour (bright red) from the palette. Click ok.

You may have to do this several times before most of the colour is gone.

Lets’ Animate!

Open Animation Shop 3.

Hide everything from the frame on up to the first layer. Copy the layers merged, while being on the first layer, and add this to AS3. Duplicate 5 times and then copy those 5 again. Again, add this 4 more times to AS3, until you have 20 layers.

Before adding your animation, go to Edit > Select all > Animation > Resize > by 80% > Edit > Copy.

Highlight the first frame of your design and: Edit > Select all > Paste > into selected frame. Position it near the light hearts of your frame paper and a little to the right.

Highlight the first frame of your design and:  Edit > Select All > Copy. Return to PSP and Paste s a new image. Save with whatever filename you wish. Now you don’t have to redo animation later on!

Rename your layers (in order) Frame 1- Frame 20.

Un-check from the frame layer up, but hide from the frame paper layer down. Copy this and add above your new animation above. Position it, as it will be slightly off and save.

Add your name and copyright now. Hide all layers and add one behind the other in AS3.

Select the first frame and: Edit > Select All > Animation > Frame properties > change to 15. Edit > Select All > Shift+z to apply your optimization settings.

Save once completed and add to Photobucket to enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tina, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart♥ for making this beautiful tag for me.
    Im sitting here thinking I forgot to take my blood pressure medicine last night and come across
    this gorgeous tag that you so generously made for me.
    Thank you Tina you totally made my day.
