How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fresh Start

Supplies Used

"Longing", by Keith Garvey (HERE)
Please do NOT use without a valid license
Waterbrush Rob Script (Here)
"Fresh Start," by Beautifully Blessed Designs (HERE)
Mask 257 by Trese (HERE)
Animation Shop 3 
Eye Candy Gradient Glow 
Xero PorcelaIN

Lets’ Begin!
Open paper 3, re-size by 25%, apply your mask and then re-size again by 90%. Rotate to standing and add to your canvas. Merge the group together, add a layer above your mask and flood fill white. Move this below merged mask group.
Name "Fresh Start" and save as a *psd.
Open BBD_FS_Frame and re-size by 34% and add it to your canvas, above your mask.
Open paper 2, re-size by 25%. Grab your magic wand and: Selections > Modify > Expand by 10 > Add paper > hit delete > Select none.
Open BBD_FS_Organizer and re-size it by 45%. Add above your frame layer.
Open your tube, resize by 105%. Add this above your organiser layer and position to your liking.
Open your close up tube, re-size by 125% and add this below your frame layer. Use a square eraser to remove the extra tube around the frame.
Duplicate the close-up tube and make the lower one Luminance Legacy. On the upper tube, use the porcelain settings below and reduce the opacity to 75%.
Open BBD_FS_Foliage and re-size by 45%. Add above your frame layer and use your deform tool to turn it to your liking.
Open BBD_FS_Bow and re-size by 30%. Add above your frame layer and centre to your liking.
Open BBD_FS_Fan and re-size by 20%. Add above your leaf layer and free rotate 45 degrees to the left. Move into the desired position when completed.
Open BBD_FS_Flower1 and re-size by 30%. Add above your fan layer and move into the desired position when completed.
Again, add the same flower but re-sized by 20%. Add that above the flower 1 layer and move to a lower position.
Now, duplicate your frame layer 3x so you have a total of 4 frames. Name the top three: 3, 2, 1. these will have the constellation settings below.
Hit the random button TWICE for each frame layer!!!
On your bottom frame layer, add your drop shadow but do not rename.
Hide each layer and, starting from Constellation layer 1, add them behind each other in AS3.
Once complete, add your optimisation settings, save as a gif image. Upload to Photobucket and enjoy!

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