How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Evergreen Dreams

 Supplies Used 

"Golden Evergreen" by Carrie (HERE)
Round mask of choice
“Ladies Script” (NAME)

 Let's Begin! 

Create a canvas 1000 x 1000. We can always crop and resize later.

Open frame 7, resize by 75% and then add to the canvas. Go back to the original, undo the resize, resize again by 65% and add to the canvas. Make sure both layers of frames are center aligned.

Open paper 37, resize by 75% and add under the middle frame; center align. Use a wide eraser to rid yourself of the excess, since it seems magic wand doesn't work for this. Use paper 10 in the same manner under the bigger frame layer.

Duplicate both frame layers and add a drop shadow of choice to the lower layers. Again, you'll have to use a magic wand to rid yourself of any excess on this layer (outer rims only) and then merge them together for an inner shadow.

Add element 115 at the bottom of the frames; save. Open element 128, resize by 40% and add above the greenery; save.

Open element 143, resize by 40% and add to one side of the bow then duplicate and position on the other side; merge both layers together.

Open elements 63 and 64; resize both by 40% and then add one below the bow layer and one below the greenery layer.

Open element 40, resize by 40% and add above the peace word art; manually turn slightly. Open element 102, mirror and then resize by 23%; add above the greenery as shown.

Open element 42, resize by 40% and add under the greenery. Erase excess from under the greenery before using drop shadow.

Open element 69, resize by 30% and add under the greenery layer, to the left. Open element 51, resize by 20% and then add above the pedestal layer. Using an eraser on 11%, blend in the element after using a drop shadow.

Open element 87, resize by 35% and add between the bow and the golden rose layers. Open element 89, resize by 20% and add below the deer brad; center manually to position. 

Open element 1, resize by 30% and sit on the pedestal. Open element 12, resize by 35% and add above the frame layers.

For my tube, I chose to go with an element from the kit instead. Open the angel, resize by 80% and add above the frame layers.

Add any layers, mask or tube that you want to at this point. Crop and resize before adding your name and copyright. Upload to enjoy.

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