How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

No Snow White

Supplies Used 

July 2013 Bonus Tube by Cartoon Pink (HERE)
Icy Shimmer by Carrie (HERE)
Snow White Template by Dee (HERE)
Mask 80 by Vabys (HERE)
“Kingsdrop Script” (NAME)

 Let's Begin! 

Open the template and canvas resize by 731 height (width will follow). Open the tube, resize by 90% and add below all word art; center align.

Merge all word art into one layer (except shadow layer). Duplicate both word art and shadow layers; move one set down to below the tube. Hide the lower word art and shadow.

On the upper word art, remove any wording or shadow that would run over the tube layer. Open the lower layers now to get the desired effect. Merge each set of word art with their respective shadow layers now. These are layers 1 and 2.

Open paper 4, resize by 65% and replace the large blue circle layer. Open paper 15, resize by 65%, and replace the blue rectangle layer.

Open paper 18, resize by 65% and replace the white oval layer. On the white oval layer, add an outline of 5 and keep.

Open paper 5, resize by 65% and replace all of the dark blue circle layers (3 circles). Open paper 1, resize by 75% and replace the white circle layers (3 circles).

Open element 4, resize by 50%, mirror and add to the right of the tube, below the word art. Open element 8, resize by 30%, mirror and add above the tube layer.

Open element 35, resize by and add above the dotted circle layer (left); turn slight and sharpen. Open element 39, resize by 25% and add above the clock layer.

Open element 14, resize by 40% and add to each side of the design, above the dotted circles layer. Hide the page border (right) under the word art. Do not worry about the left. Open element 42, resize by 40% and add above the book (right side).

Open element 112, resize by 40% and add below the clock layer. Open element 124, resize by 60% and add to the left of the design, below the bulb layer. Duplicate and mirror, then erase excess.

Open element 35, resize by 30% and then add above the book layer (left). Open element 45, resize by 25% and add below the bell layer; slightly turn to fit opening.

Open element 107, resize by and add one below the lantern layer (right) and one above the clock layer (left). Manually rotate both to get desired look.

Open element 78, mirror, resize by 40% and add above the bulb layer. Open element 83, mirror, resize by 20% and add it over the lantern's handle.

Open element 77, resize by 30% and add below tube's foot and below clock layer. Open paper 21, resize for your needs and apply the mask. Add this below all layers.

Crop as close as you can tot he mask layer and resize, if needed, before you add your name and copyright. Upload to enjoy.

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