How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Swag on the Beach

Island Girl by Keith Garvey (HERE)
"Swag in the Beach" by IPD (HERE)
Mask 201 by Gem (HERE)
“Soulmaker in the Mountains” (NAME)
Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Create a canvas 1000 x 1000. We can always crop and resize later.

Add element 20 to the canvas and center align. Open paper 10, resize by 50% and center align; move below the frame layer.

I also used paper 10 when applying the mask.

Open element 4, resize by 90% and add above the frame layer.

Add element 21 om the right hand side of the design, above the frame, then duplicate and mirror. Merge these layers together and duplicate again; merge one more time.

Open the tube, resize to 625 height (width will follow) and add above the frame layer (right).

Open element 27, resize by 25% and add above the sand layer (near the bottle layer); blend into the sand.

Open element 1, resize by 25% and add near the tree.

Open element 11, resize by 25% and add below the bottle layer.

Open element 7, resize by 50% and add above the tree layer; rotate slightly.

Open element 8, resize by 25% and add near the camera.

Open element 16, resize by 40% and add above the sand layer to position. Duplicate, move one below the sand layer and remove excess near tube's elbow. Blend right foot of the radio into the sand.

Open element 3, resize by 32% and add above the tree layer.

Open element 15, resize by 50% and add below the camera layer; remove excess at the bottom of the glass.

Add any new elements you'd like now. Crop and/or resize to your needs, before adding your name and copyright, then upload to enjoy.

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