How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Snow Adorable

 Geraldine by VeryMany (HERE)

:Winter Time" by Xuxper (HERE)

“Strawberry Cheesecake” (NAME)

Template by Linda (HERE)

WSL Mask 12 (HERE)

Penta Colour Dot 2012

Paint.Net Glow

Open the template and resize the WHOLE thing by 800 widths (height will follow), and then do a canvas resize by 900 widths (height will follow); save under the new filename.

Delete the merged copyright layer, raster 1, raster 2, raster 8 and both raster 10 layers.

Move raster layers 3 and 4 to above raster 5.

Use paper 15, after a 20% resize, to replace all of the raster 7 layers.

Use paper 13, after a 20% resize, to replace raster layers 3; manually center before removing excess.

Use paper 8, after a 22% resize, to replace raster layers 5 and 9. I flipped and mirrored to get the darker edges to the outside and erased the opposite sides to get the desired look. I then added a normal Paint.Net glow, before removing the glow excess.

Use paper 16, after a 20% resize, to replace raster layer 6.

Use colour 5E3814 and replace the raster layer 4. However, do not delete the original layer but outline it white by 4.

I duplicated paper layers 8, 13, and 16; these I outlined white at 4.

Open the tube, delete the copyright and close-up and then crop out the excess; resize by 65% and add above all layers.

I used the full-sized version to replace the paper 16 layers, added a colour dot setting and then a PDN glow.

Create another canvas, flood-fill with colour ED8D2E, and then apply your mask of choice. I upsized my mask to fit my canvas so that I didn't have to upsize my mask when completed.

Open element 1, resize by 850 height (width will follow), and add above the mask layer.

Open element 3, resize by 1000 widths (height will follow) and add above the mask layer (center align).

Open element 4, resize by 35% and add above the paper 8 layer. I duplicated and mirrored/flipped before my drop shadow.

Open element 15, resize by 35% and add above the element 4 layer; duplicate and mirror.

Open element 16, resize by 35%, flip, position at the bottom and erase the excess.

Open element 58, resize by 15%, mirror and add below the tube layer.

Open element 95, resize by 20% and then add above the element 58 layer. I added another under the paper 16 outline, after a mirror.

Open element 65, resize by 20% and then add below the element 95 layer.

Open element 49, mirror, resize by 40% and add below the close-up tube layer; turn slightly to position.

Open element 6, resize by 15% and add below the element 49 layer.

Open element 89, resize by 35% and add above the element 15 layer; duplicate and mirror to position.

Add any other elements that you'd like now.  Crop (if needed), and resize, before adding your name and copyright. Upload to enjoy.

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