How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Snowy Winter

Anabel Art by Alehandra Vanhek (HERE)

"Snowy Winter" by Designs by Magnolia (HERE)

Template by Mediterranka (HERE)

“Silver Flower Font” (NAME)

Crop a wide swatch around the template, resize the canvas by 25%, and then save under the new filename.

Delete the last three circle layers. We will not be using these. Crop the bottom up slightly.

Open background 1, resize by 25% and replace each of the photo papers with this paper.

Open background 10, resize by 25% and replace the dark purple clip paper layer AND the light purple clip paper above it (last two layers).

Open background 5, resize by 20%, and then replace the rectangle dark purple paper layer.

Open background 3, resize by 20%, mirror, and replace the long rectangle light purple clip paper layer. I aligned the corners slightly to get the look.

Open background 8, resize by 15% and replace the slim, rectangle clip paper; duplicate, mirror and merge the paper before removing excess.

Still using background 8, locate the second and fourth small tag layers (to the left) in the layers boxes and remove the excess.

Move the merged small tag layer down to the bottom.

Open background 14, resize by 15% and replace all of the frame layers and then missing two small tags (the first and third) in between the above small tag layers.

Drop shadow your small tag layers and merge together; move these down to under the foliage layer.

Open the tube, select your layers (the shirt I reduced opacity to 145 to get the look), and then merge together; resize by 60%.

Add the tube ABOVE all of the frame layers to position. Duplicate so that you have 3 layers (hide the top layer), move each of the two layers above the paper layers and remove excess on EACH one (so that you have a tube in each of the right hand frame openings).

Move the THIRD to above ALL layers, drop shadows and erase the bottom of the tube (hide tube).

Undo the resize and use a regular size tube to fill the last frame opening and add any plugin that you choose (if any).

Open trees 3, resize by 25% and add in the right hand upper frame.

Open flower 3, resize by 25% and find ALL of the light purple flowers to replace.

Open flower 2, resize by 20% and then add above the middle element layer; 15% for the upper and lower element layers.

Open flower 4, resize by 40% and add below the flower 2 layer.

Open flower 8, resize by 15% and add under the middle flower 2 layer.

Open winter holly, resize by 20%, rotate, and add under the foliage layer.

Open the pine cone 2, resize by 25% and then add above the foliage layer.

Open pine branch 2, resize by 25%, and add this beneath the winter holly layer; rotate to position.

Open flair 1, resize by 20% and then add below all the flower layers in the center; position as you like.

Open flower 7, resize by 30% and add above the pine cone layer.

Add any other elements that you wish now. I used the branch 2 under all of my center flower layers and then merged them all together.

Merge the two small flower (upper and lower) together as well. Move them into position as shown in my tag.

I resize my canvas by 100 (depending on what size you have) and flood-fill the background.

Move the center flower cluster above all layers and reposition.

Open the candle, resize by 35% and add below the tube layer.

I resize the frost by 25%, added Penta dot and cross, and then manipulated by twisting and turning to get my mask look (merged together), before I dropped the opacity to 175.

Crop and/or resize to your needs, before adding your name and copyright information, then upload to enjoy.

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