How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Sweet on You

 Patricia by Alec Rud (HERE)

“Fat In Love” (NAME)

Template by Graphic Groupies (HERE)

Mask 245 By Mizteeque (HERE)

Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Penta Jeans 

Xero Porcelain

Open the template and resize the WHOLE file to 780 widths (height will follow), and then resize the canvas to 980 widths (height will follow); save under the new filename after flood-filling the white background.

Delete the yellow circle layer. Use solid paper 3 to replace the dotted yellow lines layers; use noise on the top layer.

Merge the two teal rectangles together and then use paper 12 to replace the layer.

Merge the two light yellow rectangles together and then use solid paper 1 to replace the layer; also replace the first yellow rectangle layer as well.

Add the Penta Jeans settings below (click to enlarge, if needed).

Use paper 10 to replace green rectangle layer.

Open paper 6, resize by 65% and replace the pink circle layer.

Use solid paper 6 to replace the green circle border layer.

Open the tube and merge together; resize to 975 widths (height will follow) and add above all layers.

Add the close-up tube, after a 65% resize, above the paper 6 layer; remove excess.

Use Xero Porcelain (x2) and then a normal Paint.Net glow.

I used Paper 6 with my mask layer and manipulated it to how I wanted it to look.

Open element 26a, resize by 65% and add above the mask layer; pull to the right until the netting to the right to straighten out the holes. Duplicate, flip and mirror to position on the other side.

Open spray 14 and add above the tube layer; duplicate, move one below, drop shadow the top, and erase near her hand/arm area.

Open flower 11, resize by 50% and add above (1) paper 10, and (2) the mask layer.

Open flower 56b, resize by 40% and add above paper 10.

Open element 7, resize by 40% and add below the tube layer.

Add element 81 in three places, in two different sizes, to accent the design.

Add label 4 above the layers, at the bottom.

Crop as close as you can to the mask layer, and then resize (if needed), before adding your name and copyright. Upload to enjoy.

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