How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Dandelion Dreams

 Badger by Lorri Kajenna (HERE)

"Reach for the Sun" by Manu B (HERE)

“Etalasi Font” (NAME)

Mask by Lori (HERE)

Eye Candy Bevel Boss

Create a canvas 1000 x 1000; we'll resize or crop  later.

Open the tube and compress the layers. Resize by 60%, erase the upper dandelion seeds.

I used paper 5 and the mask to create the blue mask layer; add to the canvas and center align. I did the same thing with paper 6. You will have to decide what sizes you wish to use to create this effect. (Mine are 1050 widths for blue and 900 widths for yellow)

Open the journal card, resize by 30% and add above the mask layers; slightly turn, sharpen x2 and then drop shadow.

Open the soil, resize by 20% and add below the tube layer; duplicate and manually turn to achieve the look. Merge the soil layers down into one layer and erase a bit of the loose soil.

Open the seeds, resize by 50% and add above the badger layer; undo the resize.

Resize the seeds again by 25% and then add the TWO seeds to the middle of the first layer, and the ONE seed near the right of the first seed layer; merge these layers into one.

Open the bird, mirror, resize by 20% and then add above the seed layers.

Open the sunflower, resize by 20% and add above the journal card.

Open the sunflower bud, resize by 17% and then add above the journal card.

Open the black-eyed susan, resize by 10% and add above the journal card.

Open the butterfly, resize by 15% and add in two places above all layers.

Open the watering can, resize by 35% and add below the seeds layers.

Open the sun definition, resize by 25% and add above the mask layers; manually turn slightly.

Open the bow, resize by 15% and add above the watering can layer.

Add any elements that you choose to use now. I used the dandelion seeds above my tube layer (with no resize).

Crop as close as you can to the mask layers and then resize to your needs BEFORE you add your name and copyright. Upload to enjoy.

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