How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Everyday Moments


Jamie by Alex Prihodko (HERE)

"Little Everyday Moments" by Kristin Cronin-Barrow (HERE)

Template by Salsa (HERE)

“Cute Little Sheep” (NAME)

Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Penta Jeans

DSB Bright Noise (Light)

Open the template; canvas resize by 1200 widths (height will follow). We can always crop and resize later.

Remove the "white stars 1 and 2." Delete ALL word art layers and copyrights.

Open flower 1, resize by 45% and add above the large black star to center; delete black star layer.

Use paper 2, resize by 25%, and replace layers Black Rectangle 1 (Left) and Right Purple Square.

Use paper 1, after a 25% resize, to replace layers Black Rectangle 1 (right) and Left Purple Square.

Use paper 3, after a 25% resize, to replace all of the frame fill layers.

Open the label element, resize by 55% and add above the purple circle layer; center align.

Merge layers 5 and 6; replace with paper 5, after a 25% resize.

Merge layer 1 and 2, replace with colour FF547F, add a regular Penta Jeans setting. Add a Paint.Net glow to lighten.

Merge layer 3 and 4; replace with colour FED0C4, and then add DSB Bright Noise.

Use paper 4, after a 25% resize, to replace the upper star layers.

Open confetti, resize by 25% and then add above the dotted star layer (left).

Open flower 3, mirror, resize by 25% and add above the dotted star layer (right).

Open flower 2, resize by 25% and then add above the upper filmstrip layer.

Open the foliage, resize by 25% and add below the flower 2 layer.

Open the tube, merge your layers, resize by 55% and add above all layers.

Open the banner, resize by 35% and add below the tube layer.

Crop as close as you can to the design and/or resize to your needs. Add your name and copyright after resizing and upload to enjoy.