How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Sail, Not Drift

"Sail Away" by Sedaka Designs (HERE)

Template by Dee (HERE)

"Weltron" (Saying)

“Beauty Dream” (NAME)

Big Mask 1 by Vix (HERE)

Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Eye Candy 4000 Glass

Open the template; resize to 800 widths (height will follow) and then canvas size to 900 widths (height will follow); save under new filename.

Delete the top seven layers and the  bottom wheel layer.

Open Sekada_SailAway_MixPaper3, resize by 23% and replace the center purple layer.

Open Sekada_SailAway_MixPaper9, resize by 23% and replace the aqua square.

Open Sekada_SailAway_MixPaper16, resize by 23% and replace the blue oval layer; duplicate, outline bottom layer with white on 6 and then add noise.

Open Sekada_SailAway_MixPaper12, resize by 20% and replace the top wheel layer; add bevel boss.

Open Sekada_SailAway_MixPaper2, resize by 20% and replace the waves layer; add glass setting of your choice.

I also used this process to replace the inner and outer blue circle layers.

I used Sekada_SailAway_MixPaper8, with the mask, to create the mask layer look seen in my design.

Open Sekada_SailAway_FishWood, resize by 15% and add above all wheel layers; duplicate, move one below all wheel layers and remove excess on one side after drop shadowing.

Open Sekada_SailAway_Seal, resize by 55% and add to the center of the template.

Open Sekada_SailAway_FlowerBlue_Overlay, resize by 20% and add below the frame paper layer.

Open Sekada_SailAway_Badge3, resize by 20% and add below the fish wood layer.

Open Sekada_SailAway_WordTag1, resize by 25% and add above the badge layer.

Open Sekada_SailAway_FlowersBlue2, resize by both 10 and 15%, and then add (15%) below the waves layer and (10%) below the blue overlay layer.

Open Sekada_SailAway_FlowersBlue, resize by both 10% and 20% and then add above the FlowersBlue2 layer (10%) and below the on the left hand side (20%).

Add the saying in the Weltron font.

Crop as close as you can to the mask layer, resize (if needed) and add your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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