How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Blue Lagoon

 Annabelle by Yuki (HERE)

"Lagoon Light" by Butterfly Design (HERE)

Template and Mask 16 by Rachey (HERE)

“Gearstone” (NAME)

Eye Candy 4000 Glass

Open the template and do a canvas resize to 1000 widths; delete the credits, brush and white hearts layers, then save under new filename.

Open the tube and gather your layers; resize by 40% and add to the right of the template.

Open BDS-LagoonLight-pp (1), resize by 20% and replace the grey circle. Resize differently by 22% and replace the black rectangle layer. 

Open BDS-LagoonLight-pp (2), resize by 22% and replace layers: pink rectangle, coloured circle, and black circle.

Open BDS-LagoonLight-pp (6), resize by 22% and replace the small hearts layer; invert the black small hearts layer, and outline with white by 2 (this you drop shadow).

Open BDS-LagoonLight-pp (4), resize by 22% and add above the white circle layer; duplicate and flip, then remove the excess on both layers. Using a light eraser, remove the bottom half of the top layer then merge the layers together.

I duplicated the strip layer, moved it above the two lighter paper layers, and then deleted the excess.

I used BDS-LagoonLight-pp (5) with my mask, aligned horizontal left and right, and then merged the layers together; duplicate to darken slightly.

Open the tube again, but do not resize. Add above the paper 1 rectangle layer, position, duplicate and flip, then remove the excess. Drop the opacity to 175.

Duplicate the top small hearts layer for four (4) layers; add noise to each of the bottom layers, changing the intensity as you go (my layers go 64-54-74). On the very TOP layer, I used the glass settings below, and then dropped the opacity to 165 to give it a slight sea glass look.

Open BDS-LagoonLight-el (29), resize by 45% and add above the paper 1 layer; remove excess.

Open BDS-LagoonLight-el (16), resize by 45% and add above the mask layer (upper left). Go back to the original, flip, and then add above the last layer. I rotated slightly, erased the excess, drop shadowed both layers, and then merged.

Open BDS-LagoonLight-el (8), resize by 30% and add below the tube layer.

Open BDS-LagoonLight-el (11), resize by 20% and add it below the tube layer (right) and manually turn slightly.

Open BDS-LagoonLight-el (1), resize by 20% and add under the wheel (right). I slightly turned, duplicated the layer, flipped and then positioned again; erase a bit of excess at the top and then merge. 

Open BDS-LagoonLight-el (12), resize by 20%, add above all layers but position near the wheel.

Open BDS-LagoonLight-el (31), resize by 15% and position over the anchor.

Open BDS-LagoonLight-el (22), resize by 17% and add above the element 16 layer.

Open BDS-LagoonLight-el (23), resize by 15% and add above the element 22 layer.

Open BDS-LagoonLight-el (3), flip, resize by 20% and add above the element 16 layer (upper).

Open BDS-LagoonLight-el (9), resize by 15% and add above all layers (upper left). Add a paper of your choice before drop shadowing.

Open BDS-LagoonLight-el (28), resize by 15% and add above the mask layer; slightly rotate manually.

Going back (yet again!) to the tube, hide all layers BUT the fish; resize by 50%.

Add the fish tube above the element 9 layer, duplicate, move one below, drop shadow the top fish layer, remove excess on bottom fish layer and then erase part of the tail on the upper fish layer.

Crop and resize (if needed) before adding your name and copyright to the design. Save now, if you want a static tag, and upload to enjoy.

Open Animation Shop 3. add each layer (in order) to the program. Save and then upload to a photo sharing site (like Imgur) to enjoy.

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