How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Happy, Joyful Days

 Peter and Jo by Lorri Kajenna (HERE)

"Joyful" by Red Ivy Designs (HERE)

“Valentime” (NAME)

Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Create a canvas 1000 x 1000. We can always crop and resize later.

Open redivy_Joyful_el_frame, resize by 30% and add to the canvas; center align.

Open redivy_Joyful_pp3, resize by 25% and replace al the frame openings.

Open redivy_Joyful_el_overlay_shadowed, resize by 25% and add belo9w all layers; duplicate, mirror and flip to position.

Open redivy_Joyful_el_overlay_graffiti, resize by 15% and add (x2) below the overlay layer.

Open redivy_Joyful_el_tag, resize by 40% and then add above the frame layer.

Open redivy_Joyful_el_bow, resize by 25% and then add above the tag layer; position.

Open the tube, merge your layers, and resize by 35%; add above the frame layer (middle). I went back and did the same thing with Peter's toy.

Open redivy_Joyful_el_words1, resize by 30% and add (x2) above the overlay layer.

Open redivy_Joyful_el_flower3, resize by 25% and add below the tube layer; near the paw, and slightly rotate.

Open redivy_Joyful_el_foliage2, resize by 25%, mirror, and add below the flower layer.

Add any elements that you want now, before cropping and resizing to your needs. Add your name and copyright, then upload to enjoy.

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