How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Deeply Rooted

 ♥ Supplies Used ♥

Time Out by Barbara Jensen (HERE)

Clusters by Connie Prince


“Honey Florist” (NAME)

Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Penta VTR 2012

Create a canvas 1000 x 1000. We will be resizing a lot before the end of the tutorial and then cropping to the size we need BEFORE resizing for a signature design.

Open cap_DR_PCGoldenRod_cf, resize by 40% and add to the canvas; center align.

Open cap_SLynne_LCCountryLife_cl2, resize by 40% and add UNDER the frame layer, near the date tag; erase excess inside of the frame.

Open cap_SLynne_LCCountryLife_cl1, resize by 30% and add under the frame, lower left hand side, to your liking; erase excess from under the frame bow

Open cap_sl_LCDR_cl1, resize by 30% and then add above the frame bow layer.

Open cap_AE_PCAF_cl2, mirror, resize by 30% and then add above the last lower cluster that you added.

Open cap_AE_PCAF_cl1, resize by 30% and then add above the frame cluster at the right hand top corner.

Add a new layer ABOVE the frame layer and flood-fill with B6C4A0; add Penta VRT 2012 to the colour and delete excess; move below the frame layer.

I added another layer, flood-filled white, removed excess and moved below the frame's coloured paper that I just made. Drop the opacity on the coloured paper to 175.

Create a new canvas and flood-fill with D8A230, add your mask to this coloured paper.

At this time, I cropped by design as close as I could and then hiked up the canvas size by 100 width. This took a little trimming and canvas resizing by 100 widths until I got the design centered into my white background.

Once this was completed, I added my mask above the white background and centered it on each side until it filled in the white spaces between all of the flower cluster layers.

Crop once again to get as close to the design and then save.

Open your close-up tube and add below the frame layer to position. Duplicate, move one above all layer, drop shadow and then erase the excess on the top and bottom tube layers (if needed).

Resize to your needed size before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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