How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Monday, April 25, 2022

American Made

Courtney by Jose Cano (HERE)

"USA 2010" by Addictive Pleasures (HERE)

Template 73 by Rosey (HERE)

“Robertson” (NAME)

NOTE: You can download this template, and others, on the right hand side of Rosey's page.

Resize the template to 759 widths and then a canvas resized to 989 widths.

Use paper 11 to replace the red circle layer, the "USA" layer and the white circle star layer.

Use paper 3 to replace the blue circle layer.

Use paper 10 to replace the white circle layer.

Use paper 12 to replace the blue rectangle layer.

Delete the white and black line layers.

Open the tube, resize by 60% and add above all layers.

Add the ribbon element below the tube layer. I duplicated this so that one is above each of the solid circle layers. Remove excess on the lower two ribbon layers, drop shadow the upper layer and remove the excess.

At this time, I duplicate my tube layer and moved one above the paper 3 layer. Remove the excess, duplicate this layer, move below the ribbon layer and remove any excess on the upper tube layer if needed.

Open the heart clip, resize by 40% and add above the "USA" word art.

Add the wire above the white background, duplicate and merge together. Duplicate again, mirror and flip to position.

Add the bow over all layers.

Add wire2 under the bow: work this until you get what is seen in the design.

Open the tag, resize by 75% and add under the bow layer.

Crop as close as you can to the design, resize (if needed) before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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