How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Dearest Winter

Mythical Designs / November SYHO Blog Train (HERE)

Mask 855 by Rachel (HERE)

Template by BKC Designs (HERE)

“Better Yesterday” (NAME)

Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Open the template, resize your Raster Layer 1 to 999 widths, flood-fill white and save. Delete layer 1.

Open paper 5 and apply mask 855. Open Frame 1, resize by 75% and add above the mask layer; center.

Use paper 2 to fill the frame. I moved mine to include more trees than snow.

Open element 25 and add above the frame layer.

Open element 11, resize by 40% and add above the spray layer (element 25). Rotate slightly to fit into the space.

Open element 22, resize by 45% and add below the flower cluster.

I added element 3 above the frame layer and slightly manually rotated to my liking.

Open element 15, resize by 50% and add above the element 25 layer; manually rotate.

Open element 23, resize by 65% and add above the frame paper.

Open element 24, mirror, add above the frame paper and to the left. Position the way you'd like it, drop shadow and remove excess house.

Open element 26, resize to 900 widths and add above the mask layer.

Open element 1, resize to 540 widths and add above the frame layer to position.

Duplicate the deer layer and move the lower one below the frame layer. Drop shadow the top layer, remove excess on the bottom layer, and the use your magic erase to touch up the bottom of the upper deer layer.

Open element 4, resize by 65% and add below the deer layer.

Add any elements that you'd like to add now. Crop as close as you can to the mask layer and save.

Resize to your needs and add any copyright information, if needed, and then upload to enjoy.

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