How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

My Herb Garden

Sunflower by Lorri Kajenna (HERE)

"Herb Garden" by Lliella Designs (HERE)

Template 887 by Millie (HERE)

Geo Mask 2 by Dee (HERE)

“Short Party” (NAME)

Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Open the template, resize to 850 widths and then do a canvas size of 950 widths; flood fill white and save.

After a 25% resize, use the following papers to replace the following layers:

lliella_HerbGardenAO_paper1: Layer 1

lliella_HerbGardenAO_paper5: Layer 2

lliella_HerbGardenAO_paper4: Layers 3 and 4

lliella_HerbGardenAO_paper3: Layer 5

After you replace these layers, duplicate Paper 4 (Layer 3 or 4) and add a Penta Dot and Cross (normal settings) to the layer. This I outlined white by 3 and drop shadowed this layer, before merging with the first layer.

For Layer 8, I used 2D4930 to add a new layer, removed the excess and merged it with the original layer. I duplicated this layer, added a hard noise of 100, merged it with the lower layer and then did a hard drop shadow to highlight it.

I simply added a noise to my Layer 7 and drop shadowed.

Open lliella_HerbGardenAO_label1, resize by 25% and add to the right of the template, under Layer 6.

Open lliella_HerbGardenAO_pot2, resize by 30% and position above all layers. Duplicate, move one below the label layer, drop shadow the upper layer and remove excess.

Open lliella_HerbGardenAO_butterfly, resize by 25% and position over all layers.

Open lliella_HerbGardenAO_pot1, resize by 25% and add above all layers.

Open lliella_HerbGardenAO_flower2, resize by 25% and add above the Paper 5 layer.

Open lliella_HerbGardenAO_flower3, resize by 25% and add above the Paper 5 layer; turn slightly to your liking.

Open lliella_HerbGardenAO_flower1, resize by 25% and add above the Pot 1 layer.

Open lliella_HerbGardenAO_flower4, resize by 25% and add above the Paper 4 Layer.

Open lliella_HerbGardenAO_ribbon1, resize by 25% and add below the Pot 1 layer.

Open lliella_HerbGardenAO_ribbon2, resize by 20% and add above all layers, turn slightly.

Open lliella_HerbGardenAO_marker, resize by 20% and add above the ribbon layer. I duplicated, moved one below, drop shadowed the upper layer and carefully removed the excess.

Open the tube and resize by 35%. I first used the background over Layer 6 and then removed the excess. I next used the tube, positioned to my liking, and removed the excess. 

I drop shadowed the tube layer, and removed the excess around the layer, before merging it with my background and removing the original Layer 6.

Add any other elements or plug ins that you wish now. Crop, and resize, before adding any copyrights and name. Upload to enjoy.

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