How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Girls Kick Ass

Ruby Bonus by Jose Cano (HERE)

"Worth the Fight" by Lizzy Hart (HERE)

Template 374 by Divine Intentions (HERE)

I've uploaded it HERE

“Christmas Wish Monoline” (NAME)

Penta Colour Dot

Mura Tone

Xero Fritillary and Porcelain

EC 4000 Glass and Bevel Boss

Download the template, resize by 915 widths and then a canvas resize to 1115 widths; we'll resize later.

Delete the copyright, transmission circle and star 1 and 2 layers.

Use F7A6AD to replace the word art. Add a Penta Colour Dot setting and then the glass setting seen below.

Using F1B5FF / Film Strip, I slowly replaced the film strip layer, added a bevel boss setting to my liking, outlined, duplicated this, and then drop shadowed the bottom layer.

Invert the colour on the circle 2 layer; duplicate, mirror and flip to be under the circle 3 layer. Delete the circle 3 layer (blue dots) and rename the new circle 2 layer "circle 3." Outline both circle layers with 255-236-235.

Invert the colours on rectangle 1 and 3 layers, then add a new layer above them and use the Mura Mister's Tone as shown below.

Use DBD_WTF_Paper (16) to replace circle 1; duplicate, use Xero Fritillary on the top layer, and then outline the bottom layer with FFECEB.

Use DBD_WTF_Paper (7) to replace square 1 and 2.

Use DBD_WTF_Paper (8) to replace rectangle 2 and 4.

Use DBD_WTF_Paper (5) to replace circle 5 and 6.

Use DBD_WTF_Paper (10) to replace the film strip back.

Use DBD_WTF_Paper (9) to replace the circle4 layer; position the rose to get the look.

Using DBD_WTF_Paper (2), apply your mask of choice. Mine is by Delicious Scraps, which I've had for many years and is no longer available.

Open the tube, grab the correct one, resize by 85% and add below the word art layer; center.

Using the same tube, resize to 75% and add below the film strip layer. Position to one side, duplicate, mirror, merge and remove excess. I added Xero Porcelain to this layer, added a new layer above this layer, and used Copies setting again.

I added the close up tube over the upper paper 5 layers, added Porcelain and dropped the opacity to 150. 

Open DBD_WTF_Element (78), flip and place above the tube layer.

Open DBD_WTF_Element (70) and add above the tube layer, to one side. Drop shadow, remove the netting at the bottom, duplicate, mirror and merge.

Open DBD_WTF_Element (49), add to one side, and repeat the procedure as shown above.

Open DBD_WTF_Element (47), resize by 50% and add below the film strip paper layer.

Open DBD_WTF_Element (61), resize by 50% and add above the perfume bottle.

Open DBD_WTF_Element (68) and add above the balloon layer.

Open DBD_WTF_Element (94), resize by 50% and add above the last flower layer.

Open DBD_WTF_Element (58) and add to one side of the balloon layer. Erase any excess, duplicate, mirror and merge together.

Crop as close as you can to the design, resize (if needed) before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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