How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Pink Courage

Faeryn by Jose Cano (HERE

Think Pink by Topcatz (HERE)

Template by Tonya and Lin (HERE)

“Secrets of the Ocotopus” (NAME)

Download and open the template. Resize to 900 widths and then do a canvas resize to 1000 widths.

Use Topcatz_BCA_CM_ThinkPink_paper 3 to replace the font grobold layer. Merge all of the text layers together and then move downward.

Use Topcatz_BCA_CM_ThinkPink_Paper 9 to replace the gradient layer.

Use Topcatz_BCA_CM_ThinkPink_Paper 14 to replace the pink rectangle.

Use Topcatz_BCA_CM_ThinkPink_Paper 5 to replace the gradient layer, but move this up and lower the opacity to 200.

Use Topcatz_BCA_CM_ThinkPink_Paper 1 to replace the white stripes layer.

Use Topcatz_BCA_CM_ThinkPink_Paper 8 to replace all of the background squares layers.

Use Topcatz_BCA_CM_ThinkPink_Paper 4 to replace the stripes layer.

Open the tube, resize by 85% and add above the heart layers.

Add Topcatz_BCA_CM_ThinkPink_element 10 to the left side of the heart layers, duplicate and mirror, then merge together.

Add Topcatz_BCA_CM_ThinkPink_element 11, add under the word art layer, rotate, drop shadow, duplicate, mirror and then merge together.

Add Topcatz_BCA_CM_ThinkPink_element 19 below the element 11 layer and slightly turn.

Add Topcatz_BCA_CM_ThinkPink_element 20 above the element 11.

Add Topcatz_BCA_CM_ThinkPink_element 5 above the element 11 layer and pull to the left side slightly.

Add Topcatz_BCA_CM_ThinkPink_element 33 above all layers and slightly turn to position on the word art.

Crop as close as you can to the design, resize (if needed) before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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