How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Weeds are Flowers

 "Weeds are Flowers, too" by Crazy Cat Creations (HERE)

Mask 94 by Simone (HERE)

“Donkey Casting” (NAME)

Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

*Quick Tutorial*

Create a canvas 1000 x 1000. We can always crop and resize later.

Open CCC_WeedsAreFlowersToo PU (15), resize by 80% and add to the canvas; center align.

Open CCC_WeedsAreFlowersToo PU (19), resize by 60% and fill the frame opening.

Open CCC_WeedsAreFlowersToo PU (2) and add above the frame paper layer. Do not resize, drop shadow and remove excess.

Add another grass layer below the first grass layer: mirror, drop shadow and remove excess but do not merge with the first grass layer.

Open CCC_WeedsAreFlowersToo PU (17), resize by 50% and add above the frame paper layer; drop opacity to 200.

Open CCC_WeedsAreFlowersToo PU (1), resize by 50% and add one between the grass layer and one above all layers.

Open CCC_WeedsAreFlowersToo PU (13) but do not resize; add one above the frame layer (to position) and then, duplicate, move below the frame layer, drop shadow the top layer and remove all excess on both layers.

Open CCC_WeedsAreFlowersToo PU (7), resize by 50% and add above the frame layer; repeat the process from above.

Open CCC_WeedsAreFlowersToo PU (14), resize by 50% and add below the right side flower layer.

Open CCC_WeedsAreFlowersToo PU (3), resize by 30% and add between the grass layers; duplicate, move one above all layers, drop shadow,  and then erase the excess.

Open CCC_WeedsAreFlowersToo PU (10), resize by 60% and add below both large flower layers.

Open CCC_WeedsAreFlowersToo PU (18), resize by 18%, 25% and 30% and then add in several places.

Create a new canvas, apply penta colour dot, use colour FBC729, apply your mask, resize to 1125 widths and add above the background layer. Duplicate several times to darken and then merge.

Crop as close as you can to the design, resize (if needed) before adding your name and any copyright information; upload to enjoy.

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