How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Cherries on Top

"Cherries Jubilee" by The Scrappy Kat (HERE)

Template 2 by Millie (HERE)

“Sillene” (NAME)

Open the template, canvas resize to 900 widths and save.

Delete the top seven (7) layers and layers 7-10.

I resized Layer as so: highlight in the layers box, Edit > Select All > Copy > Paste as a New Image > Resize to 950 widths > copy again > go to the original template > edit > Paste Into New Layer > remove "frames" and center align. Remove the original template layer.

Open tsk_cj_wordart6, crop out the pie, resize by 27% and add above layer 12; center align.

Use D01829 to replace layer 13.

Open tsk_cj_cardstock (3), resize by 25% and replace layer 12.

Open tsk_cj_cardstock (4), resize by 25% and replace layer 11.

Merge layers 4, 5 and 6. Use tsk_cj_distressedsolid1, after a 25% resize, to replace.

Open tsk_cj_patternpaper7, resize by 20% and replace layer 3.

Leave layer 2 there. We will not be changing this one out.

Open tsk_cj_patternpaper2, resize by 20% and replace layer 1.

Open tsk_cj_element (9), resize by 25% and add in two places below all template layers.

Open tsk_cj_element (92), resize by 25% and add above the white background. I just kept working mine to get the desired look.

Open tsk_cj_element (52), resize by 35% and add above all layers.

Open tsk_cj_element (1), mirror, resize by 15% and add above the bow layer; duplicate, move one below, drop shadow the top and remove the excess.

Open tsk_cj_element (12), resize by 25% and add below the second bow knot.

Open tsk_cj_element (77), resize by 23% and add under the cherry layer.

Open tsk_cj_element (21), resize by 15% and add above the element 77 layer.

Open tsk_cj_element (7), resize by 15% and add above the red dotted layer.

Open tsk_cj_element (23), flip, resize by 15% and add above the upper element 9 layer.

Open tsk_cj_element (54), resize by 23%, mirror, and add above all layers; manually rotate.

Open tsk_cj_element (60), resize by 23% and add below the black bow layer; manually rotate to position.

Open tsk_cj_element (10), resize by 35% and add below the element 7 layer.

Open tsk_cj_element (22), resize by 20% and add above the ribbon layer.

Crop as close as you can to the design, resize (if needed) before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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