How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Spring Magic

 XMas Bunny by Attila (HERE)

"Blue Spring" by Tasha (HERE)

“Coneria Script” (NAME)

Template by Biene (HERE)

NOTE: While the tube that I am using is a free gift, please do not use without a proper license.

Download the template and resize to 800 widths, and then do a canvas resize to 900 widths.

Delete the credits layer and the big flower layer. Merge the wording and small flowers layers together.

While on the new wording layer > Edit > Select All > Copy > Paste into a new image > and it will pop up in another canvas; hold until later.

Edit > Deselect > on the original template and then delete this wording layer.

Use TP_BlueSpring_paper03 to replace the white circle layer, and both green square layers; outline in white.

Use 84D9F6 to replace the glitter layers of the template.

Use TP_BlueSpring_paper04 to replace the pink circle layers; outline in white.

Use TP_BlueSpring_paper01 to replace the remaining layers; outline in white.

Go back to the wording in the new image, resize to 1025 widths and then: Edit > Select All > Copy.

Go back to the template and, while on the top layer: Edit > Paste into a new layer > Deselect. Center align and position a bit (if needed).

You can now delete the wording in the second image, since we will not need it anymore.

Choose your bunny and crop out slightly; resize by 50%, add below the wording layer, duplicate, move above the wording layer (drop shadow) and then remove the excess on both layers.

Open TP_BlueSpring_e02, resize by 65% and add above all layers.

Open TP_BlueSpring_e13, resize by 60% and add above the whole egg layer.

Open  TP_BlueSpring_e14, resize by 75% and add under the bunny layer.

Open TP_BlueSpring_e03, resize by 50% and add between the two egg layers.

Add TP_BlueSpring_e08 under the blue egg layer.

Add TP_BlueSpring_e07 above the big circle layer (paper 3) and remove excess.

Crop as close as you can to the design, resize (if needed) before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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