How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Under Sunset Skies

"Sunset Skies" by LDrag Designs (HERE)

“Laughing and Smiling” (NAME)

Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Create a canvas 1000 x 1000. We can always crop and resize later.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_frame (4), resize by 35% and add to the canvas; pull upward slightly and to the left.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_tiki_mask (1), resize by 75% and add to the right of the frame layer.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_pattern5, resize by 25% and replace the frame opening.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_banner_stars, resize by 35% and add above the frame layer; remove excess.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_stars (1), resize by 30% and add above the frame paper; remove excess.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_flowers (3), resize by 35% and add below the tiki layer.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_fire, resize by 35% and add under the flower layer.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_bonfire, resize by 25% and add above the fire layer.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_drink (3), resize by 28% and add above all layers.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_drink (2), resize by 18% and add above drink 3.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_flowers (3), mirror, resize by 18% and add above both drink layers.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_flowers (1), resize by 20% and add below the first flower layer (to position), duplicate, move one above the drink layer flowers, drop shadow and then remove the excess.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_shell (3), resize by 15% and add above all layers, near the tiki layer.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_flowers (2), resize by 25% and place them in two spots to your liking.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_pineapple, resize by 25% and add below the tiki layer.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_starfish (1), resize by 20% and add above the bonefire layer.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_coral, resize by 20% and add near the purple flowers layer you created.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_branch (1), resize by 25% and add below all layers (right side).

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_branch (3), resize two different times (15% and 20%) and place over the frame layer; manually turning them both in different directions.

Open ldrag_sunsetskies_sunburst, duplicate until darker, resize by 28% and add below all  layers. I pulled and pushed to get it the way that I wanted, darkened it several more times and then saved.

Crop as close as you can to the design, resize (if needed) before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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