How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Throw me a Bone

Furry Friend 2 by Very Many (HERE)

"Song in my Heart" by Scottish Butterfly Creations (HERE)

“Courtside” (NAME)

Mask by BeckyP (HERE)

Create a canvas 1000 x 1000. We can always crop and resize later.

Open paper 7 and apply your mask. Add to the canvas; center align, duplicate, merge and remove any excess.

Add element 18 above the mask layer; center align.

Add element 23 behind the dog house.

Open element 24, resize by 65% and add above the fence layer.

Open element 21, resize by 50% and add behind the fence; pull down to position and remove the excess. Duplicate to position on the opposite side for bushes.

Resize the tree again by 65% and add to one side.

Open element 40 and add above the mask layer; use the blur below to create a sun.

Open the tube, resize by 50%, mirror, and then place the dog inside the doghouse.

Open element 6, resize by 65%, add above all layers, manually rotate into position, duplicate, move one below the tube layer and remove excess near foot.

Open element 9, resize by 35% and add below the bowl layer.

Open element 42, resize by 50% and add below the grass layer; remove excess, drop shadow, duplicate and then mirror to position on the opposite side.

Open element 2, resize by 75% and add below the grass layer.

Open element 21, resize by whatever size you desired to get the "bushes" behind the right hand side. The bushes in front of the doghouse are resized by 15%.

Open element 41, resize by 22% and add above the grass layer.

Open element 33, resize by 30% and add above the last layer.

Open element 14, mirror, resize by 25% and add above the doghouse.

Open element 4, resize by 75% and add above the dog print; duplicate, move one below and erase excess on the top layer.

Open element 25, resize by 40% and add above the sign layer.

Crop and/or resize now (if needed) before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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