How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Sunset Beach

 Jungle Jill by Barbara Jensen (HERE)

"Beachy" by Crazy Cat Creations (HERE)

“Jana G Bold” (NAME)

Create a canvas 1000 x 1000. We can always crop and resize later.

Open CCC_Beach frame  (1), resize by 45% and add to the canvas; center align.

Open CCC_Paper (11), resize by 20% and add to the frame opening.

Open CCC_Beachside ele (21), resize by 30% and add above the frame layer; duplicate, move one below and remove excess.

Open CCC_Beachside ele (36), resize by 35%, mirror, and add above the frame layer. Again, duplicate, move one below the palm tree layer and remove excess.

Open the tube, resize the height to 748, sharpen by 2 and add above all layers. Again, duplicate, move one below the frame layer and remove excess.

Open CCC_Beachside ele (30), resize by 40% and add above all layers.

Open CCC_Beachside ele (10) and resize by 25% and 35% and add them both above the frame paper layer; merge and remove excess.

Open CCC_Beachside ele (13), resize by 35% and add to the right of the design.

Open CCC_Beachside ele (34), resize by 40% and add above all layers.

Open CCC_Beachside ele (7), resize by 15% and add below the bottle layer; remove excess on the bottle layer.

Open CCC_Beachside ele (3), resize by 15%, mirror, and then add above the bow layer.

Open CCC_Beachside ele (24), resize by 19% and add above all layers.

Open CCC_Beachside ele (35), resize by 15%, mirror, and then add above all layers. Take those legs out and drop shadow.

Crop as close as you can to the mask and/or design (without cutting off items), resize (if needed) before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.


  1. Thank you❤️Love your tags and tuts! You inspire me to make more kits. I am working on new ones☺️

    1. Awesome! I'll have to check the new ones out when you post them
      And thank you for your kind words.
