How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Through the Keyhole

 "Alice Goes To Wonderland" by Linda Sochia (HERE)

Sorta Square Mask by BeckyP (HERE)

“Vintage Signature” (NAME)

Create a canvas 1000 x 1000. We can always crop and resize later.

Open MTA_Alice_Goes_To_Wonderland_frame_1, resize by 70% and add to the canvas; center align.

Use MTA_Alice_Goes_To_Wonderland_paper_10 to fill the frame opening.

Open MTA_Alice_Goes_To_Wonderland_ele5, resize by 70% and add above the frame layer.

Open MTA_Alice_Goes_To_Wonderland_ele_30, flip, and then add to the bottom of the frame.

Open MTA_Alice_Goes_To_Wonderland_ele_38, resize by 70% and add above the frame paper.

Open MTA_Alice_Goes_To_Wonderland_ele_34, resize by 30% and "sit" on the table layer.

Add MTA_Alice_Goes_To_Wonderland_ele_54 near the clouds.

Open MTA_Alice_Goes_To_Wonderland_ele_54, resize by 35% and add over the frame layer in several places.

Add MTA_Alice_Goes_To_Wonderland_ele_52 above the frame paper.

Open MTA_Alice_Goes_To_Wonderland_ele_21, resize by 50% and sit behind the tea pot.

Open MTA_Alice_Goes_To_Wonderland_ele_31, resize by 50% (left) and 70% (right) and then add above the mask layer; merge.

Open MTA_Alice_Goes_To_Wonderland_ele_25, resize by 20% and sit in front of the tea pot.

Crop as close as you can to the mask and/or design (without cutting off items), resize (if needed) before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.


  1. Thank you for the fun tag! I will post a link to your tutorial on my blog :)

    1. My husband really loves this kit and gave me a few ideas on how to work a few tutorials with it. It really helped me, because I've been depressed recently so having this kit really helped me out of the blues. I'm so glad that you love the tag and thank you for posting my tut on your blog.
