How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

HOW TO: Use the Photoshop Filter Plugin

Once you have added your Photoshop plugin to your files folder in your program (see tutorial HERE), you can start adding new plugins to your computer to use.

One example of a compatible plugin for Paint.Net is Eye Candy and the various plugins they have created. You can find how to install these plugins HERE.

Once you do everything prior to use, restart your program for the plugins to take effect. Sometimes, depending on the age of the computer, this will be required.

Go to "Effects" in your upper toolbar to be able to access these plugins (just like Corel PSP). In the drop-down menu, you will now see that ".8Bf Filter" is added to the lineup. You will always have to go to Effects > 8Bf Filter to run your newly added plugins.

(Depending on how many normal PDN plugins you have iinstalledin your program will depend on how far down the drop-down menu the Filter plugin will be.)
Once clicked, a new box will pop up that looks like the image below. It will show EVERY plugin you install that has an .8Bf extension in the effects folder of the program. (As you can see, I have a LOT of PTU and FTU plugins on my computer that I utilize ONLY in PDN.)
I will be using Eye Candy Chrome for this tutorial. Click on the plus (+) button under any of the lengthier plugins (those that have more than one plugin in their folder) to find the plugin you wish to utilize. Before you can start the plugin, you must hit "Run Filter" for the shim to take you to the next step. If you don't hit this most important button, the plugin will not work.
When the plugin starts, this whole box will pop up, showing you all the bells and whistles that you can play with to adjust the way the outcome will look. The right side holds the element you are changing, while the left side has presets (so you won't have to change a thing!), sliders, buttons, and boxes you can change to help you achieve the desired look.
There are four tabs on the left-hand side of the box (close-up shown below). The presets are automatically applied and come with their own settings for an easy application and no fuss. These can be found in the Reflection Map. Just click and you're done!
Once you achieve your desired look, hit the firs ok to start applying the settings you have chosen. Once the settings are applied to your element, click the second ok for the shim to close. After the shim closes, you will be able to save the image or continue with your design.

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