How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sweet Chocolate

 Supplies Used 
Tube by Keith Garvey (HERE)
Pea Ellie Bellie (HERE)
Bel Vidotti Scrap kit called "Chocolate” (HERE)
"Falling Leaves" by Tonya (HERE)

Use your eraser to rid yourself of the right and bottom sides of the tube, leaving only the left side.

Again, open paper 4, resize by 15%, add below your second tube layer and use your eraser to remove the excess.

Open chocolate splat 2, resize by 45% and add above your mask layer. Move to the upper right and erase a few of the little dots. Drop to your liking, flip horizontal, flip vertical and then position.

Open flower 6, flip horizontal, resize by 13% and move to the bottom left hand side of your frame.

Open flower 9 and resize by 15%. Add below your flower layer, pulling downward until in position. 

Mirror, drop shadow, mirror again.

Open chocolate 6, resize by 20%. Add above your tube 1 layer and use the rotation settings below to move into position.

Open BVS paper 7 and Resize By 25% then Effects > Alpha Mask > Find Falling Leaves Mask by Tonya > Click ok.

Add a layer above, flood fill white and then move below your mask layer; Save In *psd form then Center align your mask once saved.

Open BVS frame 3 and Resize by 27%. Add this above your mask layer and center. Save.

Open your close up tube, resize by 85% and add above your frame layer.

Center to your liking, duplicate and move one layer below the frame. Save.

Add the following drop settings to your upper tube layer: 3-6-2-8-90.
Open leaves 1 and resize by 25%. Add this above our chocolate layer and use the rotation below to move.
Open flower 3 and resize by 10%. Place above your leaf layer. Flip white background. Duplicate flower, position both (see tag) and merge the two layers.

Crop your design as close as you can to your mask.

Add your name and copyright information then crop or re-size to your liking. Upload to a photo sharing site to enjoy.

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