♥ Supplies Used ♥
Samplers by Kim Broedelet
Eye Candy
Impact Bevel
Eye Candy
Impact Brushed Metal
Lokas 3D
Shadow -- string layer only
♥ Let’s
begin! ♥
We’re going to start with the papers!
Open your full page template. This might take a bit so stay calm. Once loaded, re-size by 20%. This will take your page template down to 720x720. Save in its’ own folder when completed.
Start by finding and deleting “Paper Flags” & stitches layers from your template. We will not need them.
Open paper 2 from “Gratitude” and re-size by 25%. Find layer “Background 2” in your layers box and replace it with the paper.
Open paper 2 from “So Madly Deeply” and re-size by 25%. Find layer “Background 1” in your layers box and replace it with the paper.
Open paper 4 from “So Madly Deeply” and re-size by 25%. Find layers Frame, Paper 1 and Paper 2 in your layers box and replace them with the paper.
Drop shadow and merge paper 1 & 2 layers down into one and rename this “paper edges”.
With the frame layer, I added a bevel to the frame. Here are the settings:
Open paper
8 from “Gratitude” and re-size by 30%. Find “Circle Cut paper 1” in your layers
box and replace it with the paper. Add DSB Flux Bright Noise by 55, and mixed.
Open paper
2 from “Gratitude” and re-size by 30%. Find the layer “Circle Cut Paper 2” and
replace it with the paper.
Open paper
5 from “So Madly deeply” and re-size by 20%. Merge down string layers 1, 2
& 3. Replace this layer with the paper. Add the bevel listed below:
Open paper
3 from “Gratitude” and re-size by 15%. Find each of your “blue circle” layers
and replace them with the paper.
smaller circle is hiding a bit so pull it out slightly to view it after you’ve
added the paper. Add a drop shadow to each circle layer and merge them all
together. Rename “circles Layer”.
onto the elements!
Open leaf
from “Gratitude” and Flip horizontal then flip vertical. Re-size by 15%. Find “flower
3” in your layers box and add below this layer. Find “Foliage 3” in your layers
box and delete it.
Using the
same leaf, flip vertical and find “flower 2” in your layers box and add below
this layer. Find “Foliage 1” in your layers box and delete it.
One last
time … find “flower 1” in your layers box and add another leaf below this
layer. Use the rotation numbers below to situate it and then find “foliage 2” in
your layers box and delete it.
Open flower
1 from “SO Madly Deeply” and re-size by 25%. Fid “Flower 1” in your layers box
and add above this layer. Delete “flower 1” layer now.
flower 2 from “So Madly Deeply” and re-size by 25%. Find “Flower 4” in your
layers box and add above this layer. Delete Flower 4 layer now.
Repeat the
above process, with the same flower, for layers “Flower 5” and “Flower 6”.
Delete both layers when done.
(I then
merged these three layers into one and renamed it “blue flowers”.)
Open rose
form “Gratitude” and re-size by 15%. Starting with “Flower 1” layer, add your
rose in each of the remaining flower locations and then delete both flower
Once my
final rose was in and drop shadowed, I used Effects > Object align >
Horizontal right to make sure it was where I wanted it to be. I used the same
method with “leaf 3” layer and then pulled it out slightly.
Find your “Paper
edges” layer. Open rose 2 from “Gratitude”, re-size it by 25% and add it above
this layer. Add to just where it is peeking out from behind the circle.
ticket from “So Madly Deeply” and re-size by 35%. Add above the “paper edges”
layer and move in until it is positioned as shown.
button 1 and re-size by 15%, Find and replace all button layers in your
template. Drop shadow and merge the layers together. Rename this “brown buttons
layer”. (Or blue buttons, if you chose that one instead.)
Open your
tube of choice and re-size if need be. I had to re-size up by 115%. Add above
your circles layer and then drop shadow.
Add your
name and copyright. Enjoy!
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