How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Gypsy Love

Supplies Used

“Rock Princess”, by Arthur Crowe (HERE)
“Giingersnaps” by Brittany Murphy Design (HERE)
“Lovey” by Pixel Gypsy
Leaf found by Elle De Mai
“Mask 20” by CakiePotPie Designs (HERE)
Eye Candy 4000 Gradient Glow
Xero radiance
Lokas 3D Shadow

Let's Begin!

Open paper 3 and apply your mask. Merge the group visible and add a new layer to flood fill white then send to the bottom.

Open paper pattern 3 and re-size by 45%. Grab your magic wand and click inside your frame. Selections > Modify > by 15 > Add paper > invert > delete > Select none. Send below the frame layer.

Open your choice of tube. I upsized my tube by 275% and center it in your frame.

Move below your frame, duplicate and move the one above the frame. Hide upper tube for now.

Find your frame paper layer and: selections > float > defloat > invert > click on tube layer below frame > delete > select none.

Open your close up tube. Add below your tube 2 layer and re-size by 125%/Position to the right side of your frame and then duplicate, flip and position the tube on the other side. Merge these two layers together.

Add the following Radiance settings to your close up tube layer and the lower the opacity to 80.

Open “CU_ feuillage_1” and re-size by 20%. Add to the left side of your frame and then drop shadow. Duplicate this and then mirror. Merge the two layers together and then re-size by another 95%. Pull down until the stems are even with the inside frame edge.

Open your choice of red flower. Add this to above your leaves layer. Center and re-size if need be. Since I want my middle flower to stand out, I re-sized mine by 80%.

Open your white flower of choice. Add below your red flower layer, on the right hand side. This one you’ll want slightly smaller than the first. Since I want my white flower as an accent, I re-sized it by 90%. Drop shadow, duplicate, mirror and then re-size again by 90%.

Open your bow of choice. Re-size by 38% and drop shadow. Move to the bottom of your red flower.

Open the journal car and re-size by 18%. Add below your white flowers layer and position to your liking, but making sure no card sticks out on the right hand side. Use your eraser to erase the whole top part and then drop shadow.

Crop your design now then add your name and copyright. Save once completed and add to Photobucket to enjoy!

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