♥ Supplies
Used ♥
Eye Candy
4000 Gradient Glow
Shop 3
♥ Let's
Begin! ♥
Create a new canvas 900x900. Open element_06, re-size by 40% and add to your canvas.
Open paper 1 and re-size by 26%. Grab your magic wand and click inside your frame. Selections > Modify > by 25 > Add paper > invert > delete > Select none. Send to bottom.
Open your tube and add above your frame layer.
Open element_01 and re-size by 28%. Use your deform tool to rotate it to your liking. (Bow Layer)
Open element_08 and re-size by 32%. Add it below your tube layer to the right. (Brown Flower)
Open element_010 and re-size by 32%. Add it above your brown flower layer. (Blue Flower)
Open element_05, mirror and re-size by 32%. Add it below your tube layer to the left, on top of the leaf layer. (Leaf layer)
Open element_09, free rotate by 45 to the left and re-size by 32%. Add it below your tube layer to the left. (Blue flower 2)
Open element_08 and re-size by 22%. Add it above your blue flower2 layer. (Brown Flower 2)
♥ Lets’
Animate! ♥
Open Animation Shop 3, find your animation and open it. There are 15 frames.
Add all of your layers as copy merged into AS3. Add three frames then Select the first frame and: Edit > Select All > Copy > Paste > After Current frame. Add these until you have 15 frames.
Go to your animation and Edit > Select all > Copy and return to your design.
Highlight the first frame and Edit > Select All > Paste > Into Current frame. Place them anywhere you like.
Highlight the first frame and: Edit > Select All > Copy. Return to PSP and Paste s a new image. Save with whatever filename you wish. Now you don’t have to redo animation later on!
Rename your layers (in order) Frame 1- Frame 15.
Add your name and copyright now. Hide all layers and add one behind the other in AS3.
Select the first frame and: Edit > Select All > Animation > Frame properties > change to 18. Edit > Select All > Shift+z to apply your optimization settings.
Save once completed and add to Photobucket to enjoy!
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